Uncovering hidden treasures of the UEF Library
Starting my traineeship at the UEF Kuopio Campus Library has been an incredibly exciting and insightful experience. I still remember that I could hardly contain my excitement on the first day as I got ready and rushed to the library office. Fortunately, some people were already there and let me in. Otherwise, I would have […]
Starting my journey to discover the wonders of the UEF Library
Please allow me to share a bit about myself! While people know me as Farheen E Sehar, I secretly prefer to be called ‘Feeni.’ Originally, I am from Lahore, Pakistan, a city often referred to as “City of Gardens.” It is rich in history, culture, music, arts, and food with many iconic landmarks. That’s why […]
UEF-kirjasto sosiaalisessa mediassa | UEF Library in social media
(Please, scroll down to read in English.) Tiesitkö, että kirjasto paitsi bloggaa myös twiittaa ja facebuukkaa sekä jakaa kuvia Instassa ja videoita YouTubessa? Blogi Ennen UEF Library -blogia, joka perustettiin lokakuussa 2013, kirjastolaiset bloggasivat useamman vuoden eri blogialustoilla ikään kuin pilotoiden. Lopullisen sysäyksen yhteen yhteiseen blogiin antoi Matkalla IFLAan -blogimme vuosina 2011–2012. Kokonaisuuden blogs.uef.fi alla […]