Käytetyimmät EBSCOhost-kirjat 9/2019-8/2020 | Most used EBSCOhost ebooks 9/2019-8/2020

Seuraavassa listauksessa Itä-Suomen yliopiston käytetyimmät e-kirjat EBSCOhost-palvelussa 1.9.2019-31.8.2020. Mukana ovat sekä pysyvästi ostetut että vaihtuvasisältöiseen Academic Collection -pakettiin kuuluvat kirjat.

Vasemmalta oikealle: Nimeke / Julkaisuvuosi / Lataukset ja verkkokatselut.

Here is a list of the most used EBSCOhost ebooks at the University of Eastern Finland between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. Included are both the perpetual purchases as well as titles in the subscription based Academic Collection package with changing content.

From left to right: Title / Publishing year / Downloads and online views.

1. Introduction to personalty and intelligence (2007) 1813
2. Health psychology: a textbook (2012) 1581
3. The pocket guide to health promotion (2014) 1461
4. Computer science: an overview, global edition (2015) 1188
5. The future of nature (2013) 1188
6. Five ways of doing qualitative analysis (2011) 1001
7. The Oxford handbook of clinical psychology (2014) 845
8. Essentials of human nutrition (2012) 461
9. Religions in the modern world (2016) 449
10. New patterns for comparative religion (2016) 438
11. Identity formation, youth, and development (2015) 376
12. Economics (2015) 352
13. Effective leadership for school improvement (2003) 331
14. Understanding regulation (2012) 329
15. Aulton’s pharmaceutics e-book (2018) 305
16. Forests, business and sustainability (2016) 285
17. Social groups in action and interaction (2016) 285
18. Occupational psychology (2013) 276
19. Implementing the evidence-based practice (EBP) competencies in healthcare (2016) 234
20. Inclusive education for students with intellectual disabilities (2015) 232

Mikko Meriläinen
Tietoasiantuntija | Information specialist
Tietoaineistopalvelut | Collection services