Frequently asked questions 5 – How and where to find search terms?
Questions: Where do the search terms come from? How can I know which words I should use in searching? Where can I find search terms? The words you use as search terms can come from: your brain; what words do you use to talk or to write about your topic? dictionaries; especially when you need […]
Frequently asked questions 4 – How to import PubMed citations to RefWorks
Question: What is the easiest way to put references from PubMed to RefWorks? It is quite simple; Click Send To and choose Citation Manager to create and save an nbib file. Import the nbib file to RefWorks using Filter/Data Source NLM PubMed. By: Tuulevi Ovaska, Head of Services, Kuopio University Hospital Medical Library, University of […]
Frequently asked questions 3 – Combining search terms
Questions: What is the meaning of AND, OR and NOT in searching? What is Boolean logic? How do I use my search terms in a database? Boolean logic organizes concepts together in sets. When searching databases or online catalogs, these sets are controlled using Boolean operators OR, AND and NOT. Use OR to combine synonyms, […]
Frequently asked questions 2 – Truncation
Questions about truncating search terms when searching databases: Why is it necessary to truncate search terms? How should I truncate my term? What truncation mark should be used? You do not always have to truncate your search terms but… robots (search engines) only search for character strings, not for meanings most terms have singular and plural […]
Frequently asked questions 1 – What is the difference between MEDLINE and PubMed?
Question: What is the difference between MEDLINE and PubMed? There is a fact sheet of NLM (National Library of Medicine, USA) called MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different? that explains the difference in detail. Shortly: MEDLINE is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) journal citation database. MEDLINE database is searchable from NLM […]