The Bonn Climate Conference 2017: Progress on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and higher ambition?
Kati Kulovesi Professor of International Law & Co-Director of the Centre for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law THE LATEST round of United Nations climate negotiations concluded on 18 November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. What is the state of international climate policy after the meeting and what lies ahead for 2018 and beyond? […]
Time for a holistic approach to climate change and air pollution in international law
Dr Yulia Yamineva Yamineva works as a senior researcher at CCEEL. The urgent challenges of climate change and air pollution could benefit from more integrated consideration under international law. As this blog post explains, climate change and air pollution are currently mostly addressed through separate international legal instruments and regimes. The blog […]
Ecological Futurists at Work: Moving Forward on Global Ocean Governance
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan, Postdoctoral Researcher THE UN Ocean Conference took place from 5 to 9 June 2017 at the UN Headquaters in New York. The historic Conference closed just a few weeks prior to the fourth session of the Preparatory Committee established by UN General Assembly Resolution 69/292 on development of […]