A Nudge Towards Low-Emission Mobility – A Glance at the AFI Directive’s Approach to End Oil Dependence in the European Transport Sector
Sara Kymenvaara, Researcher, Climate Change Law, LL.M. A FAMOUS metaphor on climate change politics refers to people’s unrelenting driving of SUVs, disconnected from the threat of climate change they are contributing to. Although a lot has changed on the political arena with the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on 4 […]
Teknologiakehitys ja sen sääntely eivät ohjaa tulevaisuutta samaan suuntaan
Tommi Oikarinen Kirjoittaja on projektitutkija oikeustieteiden laitoksella. TULEVAISUUDEN TEKNOLOGIAKEHITYS tulee muuttamaan nykyistä toimintaympäristöämme useilla eri sektoreilla. Valtiovarainministeriön raportissa ”Pilkahduksia tulevaisuuteen – digitalisaation ja robotisaation mahdollisuudet” (VM 10/2017) toiminnan uudistaminen teknologian tarjoaminen mahdollisuuksien rajoissa – eli digitalisaatio – on nostettu päivän sanaksi. Digitalisaation lisäksi muun muassa robotiikka, keinoäly, puheohjaus sekä virtuaali- tai lisätty todellisuus ovat jo […]
Volatile relations: EU-Russia energy regulation
Moritz Wüstenberg, Junior Researcher, European Law THE WORLD Trade Organization (WTO) is often seen as a curiosity generally associated with globalization. The WTO as we know it today has developed in its 70 year’s history from a provisionally applied interim agreement (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or “GATT”) to become […]
Reflections on Rhetoric: Discussing ’Sustainable Development’ in Northern Regions at Arctic Circle Forum 2016
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan, Postdoctoral Researcher THE FOURTH Arctic Circle Forum took place in Canada from 11 to 13 December 2016, hosted by the Government of Quebec. The Forum compliments the larger Arctic Circle Assembly held in Reykjavik, Iceland, each year. Its objective is to convene international stakeholders to consider specialized issues […]