”Täytyy niin kun käytännössä kovettaa itsensä sille julkiselle paineelle.”
Venäjän kielen opiskelijan kokemuksia Venäjän hyökkäyssodan vaikutuksista opiskelijoihin Karoliina Keskitalo on kuudennen vuoden venäjän kielen opiskelija Itä-Suomen yliopistossa. Sivuaineenaan hän opiskelee Helsingin yliopistossa Aleksanteri-instituutissa Venäjän ja Itäisen Euroopan -asiantuntijaopintoja eli VIExpert-asiantuntijaopintoja. Näiden lisäksi hän toimii aktiivisesti mukana järjestötoiminnassa, kuten Itä-Suomen yliopiston venäjän kielen ainejärjestö Iskra ry:ssä, Helsingin yliopiston Sasha ry:ssä puheenjohtajana, VIE-johtoryhmässä, Venäjän ja Itä-Euroopan […]
Reflections on the Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets
Death is often painfully difficult to come to terms with, explain to others in words despite it being a part of what people have discussed of for thousands of years. When it comes to capturing the essentialities of this difficult topic, authors of biographies and artists are probably more widely known in handling these sensitive […]
Victory Day: Interview with Prof. Paul Goode
Is death near? Interesting interview technique. We are talking on the eve of Victory Day in Russia. What can researchers of Russian patriotism find new in the study of commemorating practices relevant to the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945? Highly ritualized occasions like Victory Day can be deceptively routine, but (as the saying goes) […]
Transnational Death: Project Update
Project Update: Transnational death: practices of death and remembrance in the transnational everyday on the Finnish-Russian border (TraDeBo) “The death is getting nearer day by day” – Paraphrase of the song by Boris Grebenshtshikov The Sky is getting nearer Death in everyday transnational reality. Photo by Kimmo Brandt Following the massive scale invasion of Russian […]
Russian Funeral Business Goes Digital
In February State Duma deputies intend to submit a bill on the funeral business in Russia and make funerals a public service, Vedomosti business daily reports. In the Soviet era, the state was responsible for all funerals, but this mortuary monopoly was abolished after the USSR’s collapse. In 1996, Russia adopted a law according to […]