Unveiling Hidden Insights: Eye-Tracking Technology
Welcome to the University of Eastern Finland’s Blog! My name is Dr. Mina Azimirad (PhD), and I’m a post doc researcher at the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Eastern Finland. I’m thrilled to share with you the exciting world of eye-tracking technology and its potential in nursing research. Active Exploration: My Pilot […]
Hoitotieteen laitoksella on nyt oma lehti
Itä-Suomen yliopiston hoitotieteen laitoksen ‘UEF Hoitotiede’ -lehti on perustettu informoimaan nykyisiä ja tulevia yhteistyötahojamme laitoksen toiminnasta. Lehdestä on tarkoitus julkaista kaksi numeroa vuodessa. Kirjoittajina voivat olla hoitotieteen opiskelijat, opettajat, tutkijat, vierailevat tutkijat ja vaihto-opiskelijat sekä alumnit ja laitosjohto. Lehden ensimmäisen numeron voit lukea joko kuvallisena versiona oheista kansikuvaa klikkaamalla tai pelkkänä tekstinä alla olevasta linkistä: […]
Head of Department of Nursing Science, Professor Tarja Kvist and Vice Head, Professor Terhi Saaranen introduce:
Tarja Kvist: Hello everybody, I made my Registered Nurse degree in Helsinki City Nursing School. I remember walking Lääkärinkatu to Laakso Hospital (school located there) and thinking, that one day I will study nursing science. I started my nursing career in Helsinki University Hospital, specialized in surgical care and working in coronary surgical ward and […]
November and well-being in Finland– a perfect month for Health Promotion and Health Education studies, offered by the Department of Nursing Science and the Open University
November in Finland is a month for colder weather, rain and snow. It is also considered as the darkest month of the year with little of daylight. On the bright side however, November provides several month-related activities. These activities provide an opportunity to be active and take care of yourself, and from this perspective offering […]