Once a nurse, always a nurse by heart
Next year, 2025, is a remarkable for Finnish nurses, as we celebrate 100th anniversary of the founding of the Finnish Nurses Association. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress will be held in Helsinki 9.-13.6.2025. The previous ICN Congress was in Helsinki 100 years ago! Thousands of nurses from all over the world will gather […]
Hyvät opiskelijat!
Ihanan kesän jälkeen on aika aloittaa opiskelut. Huomenna 1.9. meillä hoitotieteen laitoksen henkilökunnalla on ilo tavata teidät uudet opiskelijat. Tänä vuonna teitä on 94 uutta opiskelijaa aloittamassa yliopisto-opinnot hoitotieteen laitoksella. Lämpimästi tervetuloa meille! On hienoa, että olette valinneet opiskelupaikaksenne juuri hoitotieteen laitoksen Itä-Suomen yliopistossa. Te kaikki opiskelette pääaineena hoitotiedettä, suuntautuen joko hoitotyön johtamiseen, terveystieteiden opettajaksi […]
Head of Department of Nursing Science, Professor Tarja Kvist and Vice Head, Professor Terhi Saaranen introduce:
Tarja Kvist: Hello everybody, I made my Registered Nurse degree in Helsinki City Nursing School. I remember walking Lääkärinkatu to Laakso Hospital (school located there) and thinking, that one day I will study nursing science. I started my nursing career in Helsinki University Hospital, specialized in surgical care and working in coronary surgical ward and […]
The 31st International Nursing Research Congress
At the beginning of corona time working remotely at home was inspiring, challenging and relaxing experience. I have been traveling quite a lot, and stayed abroad from days to some months, so I had used to work in different places with my laptop, not having always the electronic worktable and very convenient chair as I […]