How could the healthcare sector respond to global climate and sustainability goals? An Opinion
Dr. Fatma AL JABRI As it happens, we all tend to be so engaged with our areas of expertise. And that’s important and understandable. We nevertheless need to time-to-time step back and reflect on the broader mission and responsibility of the healthcare system. In this opinion, I intend to cascade the reflection I have recently […]
Genomics – an Emerging Trend in Nursing Science – Genomiikka – nouseva suuntaus hoitotyössä
By: Anndra Parviainen, doctoral researcher, UEF (Scroll down for the Finnish text) Photo: Professor Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen UEF and Doctoral researcher Anndra Parviainen UEF. Genomics-Informed Nurses (GIN) played an important role in integrating genomics sciences, precision medicine and precision health into clinical practice (Laaksonen et al., 2022; National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, 2021; Tonkin […]
Registered nurses’ clinical competence at the time of pandemic
At the time of pandemic, the nurses’ competence in clinical nursing has been emphasized more than ever! The healthcare needs knowledgeable, skillful, and resilient practitioners. Luckily, our nursing staff meets these attributes and have been a cornerstone of our fight against this sudden threat to the global health and to the health of each individual. The changed healthcare needs and work culture, entail health professionals changed knowledge and skills to manage the acute situations, diverse needs of […]