When “typical” does not really fit in your vocabulary – a week of studying at UEF
Writer: George-Cosmin Porușniuc Master’s Degree Programme: Information Technology (IMPIT) Hello everybody! I am George, a thirsty for knowledge 23 years old romanian computer science student. Upon reading that very first statement about me you might wonder: “well, isn’t there any better place out there in the world to quench you thirst for knowledge other than […]
The adoption of smart technologies enables the students’ life more effective, efficient, flexible and comfortable. University of Eastern Finland has set targets the transformation into smart university with all the smart tools, technologies and applications. It has already adopted a lot of techniques and technologies. Among them, one of the innovations is the use of […]

Seasonal depression, as BOOTs might come back? – NO way, it`s time to face to Nature!
I posted my last blog, when I took my winter BOOTS of, now I feel we sort of have to take those back, soon as first minuses just behind us….. to discover the beauty of this season we are facing for. Autumn at Finland is one of my favorite season ever (though to be honest […]
“One more month.” That was all I could think about before we start our European Forestry Field Course for the whole month of May 2019. It was mixed emotions. Excitement. Stress. Happiness. Worry. Sadness. I couldn’t even decide which one made it to the top. I just remember feeling those things. Almost one month has […]

Change that I needed
Day by day passed… All of them were the same. My life became like a broken radio where only one song was on repeat. They say when your life becomes a routine you should do something to change it and I did. My change was this Erasmus. I decided very fast that I would like […]

In the middle of forest-where
“Hello, my name is Daniela, I come from Slovakia and I study forestry at the UEF in Joensuu… “ After this kind of introduction, I usually get several reactions or questions like… “Aaaa Slovakia! Game of Thrones was made there?” or “Forestry? What you study in forestry? Trees?”, but also “So how is it to […]

Different weather, new perspective
Finland the winter wonderland and magical sunset. It is really different from my country in weather and nature but actually it’s extremely beautiful . I’m a 22 years old Egyptian girl from Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt and I have been in Finland for 4 months as pharmacy exchange student in University of Eastern Finland. […]

My first day (night) in Finland
Even though this happened around five years ago, those memories are still fresh on my mind like they just happened yesterday. This is just one story of one girl making the biggest step outside her comfort zone in her life. Just a simple trip… simple day and night… for someone. Not for me – the […]

Minä tulin takaisin Suomeen – I came back to Finland
For the second time, it is time to say goodbye to Finland. However, is it a real goodbye? Indeed, two years ago I thought that it was the case, but when I realized that I have the opportunity to do another Erasmus here, in Joensuu, I immediately knew that I will be back for another […]

An unforgettable experience
This is an unforgettable, incomparable experience. I heard stories, saw photos and read articles, but I never thought that I could see and feel Finland with my own eyes. I was lucky to get to the very cozy city of Kuopio, which immediately struck me with the abundance and beauty of nature, benevolent people. Becoming […]