How to choose a publication channel
How to choose a publication channel
Which publication channels are relevant to you? Scientific journals or books? Which journals are you going to offer your articles to?
The choice of a publication channel should be based on scientific impact of the channel, because that is highly important criterion for the study and your career, and also required by the university. It is always worth discussing the quality of different publication series with your colleagues. You can also contact the library for help.
When choosing a suitable, reliable and high-quality publishing channel, for example the following services can be used.
Assessment of scholarly journals is more thoroughly discussed at Module 5.
Predatory OA Publishers
When choosing a publishing channel, beware of dishonest, so-called predatory OA publishers. Such journal titles have been gathered on the Beall’s List, which, however, is not updated at the moment. The list contains potential or plausible scientifically questionable OA journals that often neglect peer-reviewing and mainly aim for cashing in from scientists.
Also Cabells Blacklist (click “saatavilla verkossa”/”full text availability”) can be used for checking potential predatory journals.
Read UEF Library’s blog post: Beware of predators!
Think Check Submit. Find tips about how to publish in a suitable journal and how to avoid predatory journals.
Assignment in Moodle related to this section:
- Complete the Assignment: Choosing a publication channel (see Module 4).
Further information:
Helsinki University Press (HUB). 2018. Opening up research – Discover the new Open Access publisher.
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (SKS). 2018. Tieteelliset julkaisut. Tietoa mm. SKS:n julkaisusarjoista ja avoimesta julkaisemisesta. (in Finnish)
The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) & The Committee for Public Information (TJNK). 2018. Responsible Research – Guide to Research Integrity, Research Ethics and Science Communication in Finland.
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