
Zotero is a free open source reference management program maintained by the Corporation for Digital Scholarship in the USA. It is used as a desktop application that is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS.

Zotero allows you to:

  • Gather references from different databases and elsewhere in the Web.
  • Maintain and organize references.
  • Share references with other Zotero users.
  • Format citations in your manuscripts and produce bibliographies in a variety of citation styles.
  • Transfer references to and from other reference management tools.

Read the basics about Zotero at UEF (opens in new tab).

Watch the video by Steven Bradburn (12:40):
How to use Zotero: a beginner’s guide (opens in new tab).

The following sections of this learning material will guide you step by step about how to use Zotero for managing your references.

(7/2024 TS)

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