
Mendeley (opens in new tab) is a reference management program produced by Elsevier. Like Zotero and other similar programs, Mendeley helps you to manage references and generate bibliographies.

Mendeley is available as a free of charge version and as a chargeable version. The free version provides you with 2 GB of web storage space. The chargeable version is not available at the University of Eastern Finland.

You have to create your personal free Elsevier account (opens in new tab) in order to use Mendeley. Do not create a new account if you already have one for another Elsevier product such as Scopus.

Mendeley consists of three programs:

  1. Mendeley Reference Manager is a desktop application you install on your computer for managing references. You do not need administrator privileges for installation.
  2. Mendeley Web Importer installed on your browser enables easy importing of references and full articles from several databases to your Mendeley library.
  3. Mendeley Cite is an add-in program you install on your word processor (Word for Windows, Word for Mac, Word Online). The add-in is needed for adding citations and bibliographies to texts. PLEASE NOTE: Mendeley Cite does not work correctly if Track Changes function is turned on in Word. A single citation in text, for example, may be multiplied unintentionally.


(12/2023 HL)

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