UEF Primo

UEF Primo (link opens in a new tab) is both the UEF library’s search engine and a gateway to other information resources and databases.

Accessing UEF Primo

It is essential to log in to UEF Primo when working outside the campus network. Once you have a UEF username and password, you can use the electronic resources remotely in two different ways. You may choose your login method according to your needs, although we recommend registering as a library customer. Once registered, you can make use of UEF Primo’s customer functionalities and gain access to all the resources with a single login. Read more about the remote access (link opens in a new tab).

Video: Log in to the UEF Primo (1:23)

Different search groups and accessing databases in UEF Primo

There are four different search groups in UEF Primo:

  • Library catalog: The library’s printed and electronic books and journals, dissertations, and databases
  • International articles: International full-text articles and references (multidisciplinary search)
  • All e-resources: All electronic materials: publications and databases
  • Everything: All these together

It is advisable to use Primo search groups “International articles” or “Everything” when you want to map out what has been written about the subject with an extensive search. Searches are not limited to any particular discipline, but are multidisciplinary. Typically there are a lot of results, which is why it is advisable to limit the results afterwards, e.g. by type of publication, availability and time of publication. More detailed, discipline-specific searches are recommended to be done in discipline-specific databases. Databases pertaining to your field may be found using the UEF Primo database search (opens in a new tab).

The most functional search language in UEF Primo is English; when retrieving from the search group “Library’s collections”, the Finnish language also works.

Search techniques in UEF-Primo: Type Boolean operators with capital letters. Proximity operator is not in use. Truncation is possible in the beginning, middle and in the end of the word. When phrase is used, only the last term can be truncated. Wildcard is question mark and it replaces one character. Phrase works as usual. Stemming an spelling work normally with single English terms, does not work properly when several terms are used and does not work with Finnish.
Search technical specialties in UEF Primo.

User’s guide to UEF Primo (link opens in a new tab).

UEF Primo: Advanced search (Search query example)

The search query is: “anxiety disorder*” AND (cognitive therapy” OR “cognitive psychotherapy”) AND (adolesc* OR “young people”). View the accessible version of the picture.

Video tutorials

Video guidance for UEF Primo (link opens in a new tab).

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