4. Module: Publishing and Research Visibility

In this module you will

  • Become familiar with the scientific publishing process and the practices of publishing a doctoral thesis at UEF.
  • Acquaint yourself with UEF publishing policy.
  • Become aware of different publishing alternatives (e.g. open access).
  • Evaluate scientific publishing channels with different tools.
  • Create and maintain a digital researcher ID (ORCID).
  • Become familiar with social networking sites for academics.
  • Get tools to increase your researcher visibility and to monitor research impact via altmetrics.

To complete this module

  1. Go through the study material of this module.
  2. Complete the module assignments and quizzes in UEF Moodle (see Module 4).

NB: This module is 100% self-studying.

This module includes themes of open science, which are also part of the Basics of Open and Responsible Science: Open Access Publishing and Research Data online course (8022040, 2 cp).


This module has two main themes: scientific publishing and academic visibility.

Publishing is the core of scientific research, allowing the dissemination of important findings in the scientific community. Publications are also the core of a scientific curriculum.  As a part of changing academic and scientific world, open science (e.g. open access publishing) has become an internationally significant method to promote visibility and impact of science in the society. In the following sections, the process of publishing a scientific article, options and steps of open access publishing as well as practices of publishing a doctoral dissertation will be went through.

Nowadays visibility in online services is more and more important for a researcher as it is related to how the impact of the research is measured. There are dozens of tools and services (such as ResearchGate and Academia.edu) that aim to increase researcher visibility, each in their own style and with their own tools. Choosing which ones to use could be challenging. There are similar and different features and the choice depends on personal preferences. Some services are more popular among certain disciplines, and some among others.

Acquaint yourself with these services and choose the ones that suit you best. Use social media and networks to promote your research and reach a wider audience. This can include an audience beyond your own discipline. Building your “brand” can be uncomfortable at first but it may open up a new world of opportunities and thus increase the impact of your work.

Contents of this module

Researcher IDs
Research and researcher visibility, networking and altmetrics
Responsible sharing in scholarly networks

(8/2023 KH)

Next page: Publishing >

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