Living costs and saving tips
Hei everyone! I am Phat Do, a Vietnamese student currently in my second year of the Master’s programme in Linguistic Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus. Since it seems there have already been (and will be) many posts sharing about students’ and staff’ personal experiences in Finland, my post will be a […]

Kuopio calling
My name is Christina and I’m coming from Germany. Now I am a Master student in “Biology of Environmental Change”, but my “love story” with Finland started already 3 years ago, when I decided to make some changes and jump into an exchange year. Finland was the final choice, because it was the only country […]

In the middle of knowhere
In the early morning of my first day I was trying to discover the surrounding, as I came very very late the night before. I was fascinated by the lake view and the quite nature that I will see every morning during my stay.

Exploring Amazing Kuopio as a Local
“Congratulations! We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as an Erasmus plus exchange student to the School of Pharmacy at the University of Eastern Finland for three months.” That was the start of a stunning experience in Finland during autumn 2018. I am Dalia Yehia Abozahra, a PhD student and an […]

Greetings from a staff mobility
I truly enjoyed this great experience being on a one-week staff mobility at Kuopio campus of UEF, together with two colleagues from our home university, the Pharos University in Egypt. The host university is gorgeous, I loved all the surroundings. Academic staff we met are so kind and amazing. Hopefully my pictures tell more. Nancy […]