Publication reporting and self-archiving at UEF

Yearly reporting of publications produced by the university experts to the Ministry of Education and Culture is highly important. Reported publications form 14% of the funding granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. In addition, there is a coefficient of 1.2 for open, peer reviewed publications.

Researchers are responsible for reporting their publications to UEF CRIS research database. You will find more information how to submit your publications into UEF CRIS from Heimo (needs UEF-account)

To ensure open access and long-term preservation of publications, researchers are encouraged to self-archive their publications to publication repositories. UEF has launched its own publication repository, UEF eRepository, in February 2017.

Self-archiving into UEF eRepository is a service that the library provides when you submit the information of your publication into the UEF CRIS research database. In addition to recording the publication information, you need only attach the final draft/accepted manuscript version of your publication (peer-reviewed, but without the publisher’s final formatting, pagination, logos etc.) In the case of an open access article published under a CC licence, no attachment is required. If you want to self-archive a publication that is already found in UEF CRIS, send an email containing the publication’s reference information (doi, authors, article name, and journal information) to, and attach the final draft version of the article. Only peer-reviewed publications are saved at UEF.

UEF Library instructions for publication informing and self-archiving.

(7/2021 KH)