ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a signature that can be used on everything from online publications to research data, websites, blogs and social media to CVs and emails. A number of publishers already require at least the corresponding authors to have an ORCID ID. ORCID has been recommended as a national researcher identifier in Finland.

ORCID aims to solve common issues such as:

  • Not getting credit for your research because your name is common or because you have published using a different version of your name.
  • Struggling to find a central place to keep track of all your research outputs.
  • Having to spend time entering the same information over and over in publisher and grant submission systems.

Explore ORCID:

  1. Watch the video (4:16): What is ORCID?
  2. Read more about ORCID.
  3. Create your own ORCID ID. Update your profile (e.g. upload your publications and add your education and work experience).
  4. Search some of your colleagues from ORCID. Do they have ORCID profiles? Search also “John Smith”. You will understand one reason why ORCID is important.

Further information:

Video (6:45): ORCID-tutkijatunniste. Mitä hyötyä tutkijatunnisteesta on? ORCID-tutkijatunnisteen luominen ja käyttö. (in Finnish)

Video (4:17): How to use ORCID

Video (5:14): ORCID and Scopus: Manage your author profile

Brown, J. 2016. Maintaining your research identity and streamlining systems. (Note! Audio recording and slides at the bottom of the page.)

Puuska, H.-M. 2015. ORCID – unique identifiers to support researchers. CSC Blog.

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