Is anyone noticing your research? Is someone talking or writing about it online? Is there a way to follow this?
Altmetric follows this situation using your output, e.g. article, book, presentation, report, and your identifier, like DOI, ORCID, PubMedID, URN, and mentions in followed online sources.

Following the talk about your research is crucial in our online world and plays an important role in its further impact. You can track this information as soon as you publish instead of waiting for citations.
The Altmetric badge or donut shows you in which services your research has been noticed and how much attention it has received. The data is collected from a versatility of documents and services.
The Altmetric badge appears on many publishers’ pages, organisations’ electronic repositories, such as the UEF eRepo, and also on individual researchers’ websites. The idea is to follow the attention and the impact.
You can add the Altmetric it! bookmark on your browser and also use many other tools free of charge. The service also has chargeable tools.
Watch A beginner’s guide to altmetrics.
2 min 59 sec. Published on May 5, 2016. CC-BY. Illustrations courtesy of Jean Liu (@jean_draws). Icons courtesy of Noun Project and Michal Waclaw Kulesza
Further information
Further reading
- Huang W, Wang P, Wu Q (2018) A correlation comparison between Altmetric Attention Scores and citations for six PLOS journals. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0194962.
(8/2022 TO; 6/2023 TO)