
ImpactStory is an open source altmetrics tool. As a researcher you can use it to measure and share the impact of your publications and blog posts, files and documents as well as software and programs. With the provided metrics, you can can see how many times your work has been downloaded or shared, and funders can find out the effects of their input by other means besides traditional bibliometrics.

The service is linked to the ORCID researcher identifier and it reveals publications’ open access status, tells how many countries they have been read and shared in, shows which one of them is the most popular etc.

ImpactStory is a non-profit, foundation-funded organisation and registration is free of charge. They believe open altmetrics are key for building the era of web-native science. They are committed to open source, free and open data (to the extent permitted by data providers) and to transparency and open communication.

As Impactstory profiles are built on ORCID profiles and they automatically stay in sync to pull in new information and new works, an ORCID identifier is good to have in advance, if you wish to start using the service. Also a Twitter account is recommended to have in advance. See an example profile.

Impactstory achievements (Buzz, Engagement, Openness and Fun) are a way of looking beyond the numbers to find stories that matter. Further reading.

Watch a video on Incentivizing Open Science through Altmetrics

The video is a re-recording of their talk at the 1st Altmetrics Conference (1amconf) in London, UK on September 25, 2014. (9 min 44 sec)

Interested in extreme sports?

ImpactStory has published an extensive guide (222 pages) to raising your research profile.

You will:

  • Upgrade your professional visibility by conquering social media,
  • Boost your readership and citations by getting your work online,
  • Stay atop your field’s latest developments with automated alerts,
  • Lock in the key connections with colleagues that’ll boost your career, and
  • Dazzle evaluators with comprehensive tracking and reporting on your own impacts.

(8/2022 TO; 6/2023 TO)