Linguistics, languages and translation studies have a few disciple-specific databases. One of the largest database is Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts. For translation studies there is a database called Translation Studies Bibliography.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts / ProQuest
- covers the years: 1973-
- covers the document types: Abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews, abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations.
- uses the thesaurus: Integrated thesaurus of 3,700 terms
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Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) database abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. The database covers all aspects of language studies, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics etc. Complete coverage is given to various fields of linguistics, including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics.
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Translation Studies Bibliography
- overs the years: from 2004 to present. Future releases will be complemented with records of earlier publications.
- covers the document types: Journal articles, monographs, (article from) collective volumes, reviews, reference materials, dissertations and unpublished manuscripts. Some full-text links (the full-text link is called “crossref”), mostly references.
- uses the thesaurus: Integrated thesaurus of 1,600 terms
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Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB) is an annotated bibliography on the field of translation and interpreting studies. The bibliography does not index translations or dictionaries, unless relevant to research in Translation & Interpreting (T/I). T/I studies is considered a broad field of transfer and mediation, containing aspects of intra- and interlingual translation, adaptation, interpreting, reformulation, localisation, multimedia translation, language mediation and terminology/documentation. TSB considers publications from other disciplines (such as semiotic studies, communication studies, linguistics, sociology, psychology, etc.) but only to the extent in which they are relevant and of interest to T/I studies.
NB! Translation Studies Bibliography’s user interface and search logic differs from other databases (see the search query example below).
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