Elektronisia hakuteoksia monilta aloilta / eReference Books from different disciplines

Kirjasto on hankkinut kokoelmiinsa taas lukuisia sähköisiä ensyklopedioita ja käsikirjoja monilta tieteenaloilta. E-hakuteokset on hankittu Wileyltä ja SAGElta, ja suoraan kustantajilta hankittuina niillä on rajaton yhtäaikaisten käyttäjien määrä. Erilliset lukuohjelmat voit unohtaa: kaikki ovat käytettävissä suoraan nettiselaimessa. Lista hakuteoksista suorine linkkeineen on alla. Hankitut teokset löytyvät myös Josku-tietokannasta.

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The library has acquired several electronic encyclopedias and handbooks from different disciplines. The e-reference books have been acquired directly from the publishers Wiley and SAGE and thus have an unlimited concurrent user access. In addition, you do not need to worry about any separate reader application: you can read all of them in the web browser. The list of e-reference books with links is below. You can find the acquired books from the Josku database.

You can find more reference books from other publishers as well by searching in the Josku database as in the examples above. You can also use a term that describes the subject matter as the keyword.


Wileyn hakuteoksia / Wiley Reference Works:
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Applications, Theory, and Instrumentation (15 Vol. Set, updating) / ed. R.A. Meyers
Pharmaceutical Sciences Encyclopedia: Drug Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing (updating) / ed. Shayne Cox Gad ym.
International Studies Encyclopedia (12 Vol. Set, updating) / ed. Robert A. Denemark
Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (10 Vol. Set, updating) / Carol A. Chapelle
Encyclopedia of Special Education: a Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals; 4th ed. (2014) 4 Vol. Set / ed. Cecil R. Reynolds ym.
Handbook of Psychology; 2nd ed. (2012) 12 Vol. Set / ed. Irving B. Weiner
Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide (2014) 6 Vol. Set / ed. Cary L. Cooper
Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing (2011) 6 Vol. Set / ed. Jagdish Sheth
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (2014) 5 Vol. Set / ed. Jay S. Albanese
Encyclopedia of War (2012) 5 Vol. Set / ed. Gordon Martel

SAGEn hakuteoksia / SAGE Reference Works:
SAGE Handbook of Special Education; 2nd ed. (2013) / Lani Florian
Handbook of College and University Teaching: A Global Perspective (2012) / ed. James E. Groccia ym.
Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide (2013) / ed. James Ainsworth
SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education (2012) / ed. Darla Deardorff ym.
Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (2014) / ed. D.C. Phillips

SAGE Handbook of Child Research (2013) / Gary B. Melton ym.
SAGE Handbook of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties; 2nd ed. (2013) / Garner Philip ym.
SAGE Handbook of Gender and Psychology (2013) / ed. Michelle K. Ryan ym.
Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2014) / ed. Robert C. Eklund

Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences (2013) / ed. Byron Kaldis
Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology: An Encyclopedia (2013) / ed. R. Jon McGee
SAGE Handbook of Aging, Work and Society (2013)/ John Field ym.
Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia (2013) / ed. Vicki Smith
SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance (2012) / ed. Thomas Clarke
Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook (2012) /ed. Deborah Gallagher

Encyclopedia of Family Health (2011) / ed. Martha Craft-Rosenberg ym.
Encyclopedia of School Health (2013) / ed. David C. Wiley ym.
Health Care Systems Around the World: A Comparative Guide (2013) / ed. Sarah E. Boslaugh
Encyclopedia of Health Communication (2014) / Teresa L. Thompson

Encyclopedia of Action Research (2014) / ed. David Coghlan ym.
SAGE Handbook of Historical Theory (2013) / ed. Nancy Partner ym.
SAGE Handbook of Progress in Human Geography (2012) / ed. Roger Lee ym.
Encyclopedia of Housing (2012) / ed. Andrew T. Carswell
Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture (2011) / ed. Dale Southerton

Encyclopedia of Transnational Crime and Justice (2012) / ed. Margaret E. Beare
Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics (2 Vol. Set, 2014) / ed. Bruce A. Arrigo

Kaarina Meriläinen
Tietoasiantuntija / Information Specialist
Verkkoresurssipalvelut / Online Recourse Services


