From the Middle of (K)nowhere – Winter – to the Middle of Europe – Summer: Back to Alma Mater, My First Day Experiences…
I’m so excited to write a short story about the first day of my recent ERASMUS trip. If you’ve been following the VR-Haptic Thinkers on our Website, you’ll know that I’ve gotten to stay at Debrecen again.
However, you might first be interested to know why I visited Debrecen, my Alma Mater.
Let me assure you it was not to escape from winter (-8° Celsius with 40 cm of snow) to arrive to summer (+26 °C), as I personally love the snow and Finnish Lakeland, Kuopio, the Middle of (K)nowhere…
A cold but warm place
Writer: Gebhardt Kanime I decided to apply for the ERASMUS program after hearing about it from a friend. As a 6th year medical student in Hungary, I could do part of my final year abroad as a traineeship through the program. From the list of partner universities available, I chose UEF as Finland was different […]
Holidays are not always happy days…
Preface As an anatomist-morphologist, during my everyday research, I often become inspired by the unique and characteristic colors and shapes of microscopic structures and I have been dealing with photography – as a bobby, mainly nature photography – for more than a decades. I believe that fastidious nature photography does not merely require (and for […]