Starting my journey to discover the wonders of the UEF Library

Please allow me to share a bit about myself!

While people know me as Farheen E Sehar, I secretly prefer to be called ‘Feeni.’ Originally, I am from Lahore, Pakistan, a city often referred to as “City of Gardens.” It is rich in history, culture, music, arts, and food with many iconic landmarks. That’s why Lahoris, like me, are known for their lively and spirited nature.

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the advertisements on TV and billboards and their impact on developing modern economies. This passion led me to pursue a ​bachelor’s degree in business administration (BBA​ Hon.) ​from the Institute of Business​ ​Administration, University of the Punjab​. Then I recognized the significance of further professional education to achieve my ambitions, so I enrolled myself in a master’s program in Digital Marketing and Analytics (DMA) at the University of Eastern Finland.

Whereas I started my journey with the University of Eastern Finland Library at the Kuopio Campus as a trainee a couple of weeks ago. Initially, my perspective was like that of any other student. I saw the library as a place where we simply borrow and return books or research papers. However, I was amazed to learn about the diverse network of people and the intricate processes involved in making the library function. It is truly mind-blowing to see how much more is happening behind the scenes. 

The writer of the blog post in the library.
Just hanging out at the UEF Library, where the science is open, and so are the doors – 24/7! Photo: Piia Pietarinen

It feels like being surrounded by a team of more than 60 superheroes with a quiet superpower, who make a significant impact on the world by sharing knowledge and resources, one book at a time. This is quite a unique experience from my previous workplaces. 

I hope to learn and contribute to how the library supports its students and the university community. I intend to acquire practical powers in communication systems, event planning skills, social media usage, and others to expand my understanding of the library’s mission. Additionally, I’ll be whipping up funny posts for our page, producing videos that might just go viral (or at least get a few chuckles), and leading library tours but don’t worry, I promise not to get us lost! 

Feel free to stalk me on LinkedIn, or you’ll find me roaming in and out of the library or around the corridors. When you see me, just greet me in my style with a cheerful voice ‘Salam Feeni!’ 

Farheen E Sehar, UEF Trainee