Possibilities, but at what cost? – Reflections on the data from our first survey
We have completed the survey part of the DEQUAL project that charted the attitudes and perceptions of adolescents towards digitalization and both its perceived benefits and negative effects. We aimed the survey at respondents who were born in the year of 2005. This means that the group of interest is currently on the 9th grade […]
Finland as a “Light Beacon” for Serbian Digital Imaginaries: The New Forms of Digital Divide – Who Cares?
PRESENTATION FOR THE ANNUAL SOCIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE OF THE WESTERMARCK SOCIETY 2021 Finland represents a digital society developed on digi-technological imperatives and imaginaries, and with a young generation that is considered as ”digital natives” with competences and opportunities to highly benefit digitalization in their life-courses. However, statistics still show ”digital divide” and unequal socio-material stratification among […]
Kickoff the Blog DEQUAL
Tervetuloa seuraamaan Luokkaistuva digiyhteiskunta -tutkimushankkeen (DEQUAL) etenemistä hankkeen blogiin. Tämä blogi on tärkeä hankkeemme reaaliaikaisuuteen ja vuorovaikutteisuuteen pyrkivä viestintäkanava. Welcome to follow the progress of the research project DEQUAL (Capturing Digital Social Inequality). This blog is a focal agenda for communicating and informing. The project DEQUAL explores how digital information and communication technologies implicate in […]