Possibilities, but at what cost? – Reflections on the data from our first survey
We have completed the survey part of the DEQUAL project that charted the attitudes and perceptions of adolescents towards digitalization and both its perceived benefits and negative effects. We aimed the survey at respondents who were born in the year of 2005. This means that the group of interest is currently on the 9th grade […]
May I introduce: Seela in the Digiland PART III: Growing up as a digital native: Comfort in diversities
The biggest thought in interviews with Seela – a digital native – was about diversities and how they help us to grow up as open-minded, inclusive persons. At Seela’s age, growing up in a multinational and multi-confessional Province of Vojvodina was my biggest profit. Still, this “multiness” was not enough to understand the value of […]
May I introduce: Seela in the Digiland PART II: Digital native – behind or beyond the digitalized education?
“To understand their world, we must be willing to immerse ourselves in that world. We must embrace the new digital reality. If we can’t relate, if we don’t get it, we won’t be able to make schools relevant to the current and future needs of the digital generation.” Ian Jukes (The founder and Executive Director […]