Trees Near Us (in English)
Do you have a tree – friend?
What kind of relationships do people experience with trees? Which tree attracts you and why? Can a tree have an emotional value? How do we take care of trees important to us?
The research project ‘Trees Near Us’ explores what makes one tree more important than others. We would like to find out what people feel for trees, how these connections form and how they are expressed in everyday life.
The research takes place in both Finland and the Netherlands. Finland and Netherlands represent contrasts in forest cover while still sharing a lot of similar cultural values. This combination makes them an interesting pair to compare how people feel about trees in their environment.
‘Trees Near Us’ investigates the relationship between people and trees through science and art and is being led by the University of Eastern Finland in partnership with Wageningen University (the Netherlands). The team encompasses researchers from forest ecology, literature, and cultural anthropology, as well as professionals in the sound and photographic arts.
We use an online questionnaire to select representative cases of tree-human relationships. These cases are complemented with stories about trees from interviews. We approach the subject through contrasts. We look at trees in old and young urban culture and the differences in the relationship between the metropolitan area, small towns and the countryside, in both the Netherlands and Finland.
With this research we increase the understanding of the cultural value of trees. This knowledge can be applied in urban– and forest planning, as well in the management of green areas.
The research is funded by the Finnish Kone Foundation and takes place between 2019-2023.
Tell us your story!
We would like to hear about your relationship with trees, also if you have no special feeling for trees at all. We are looking for respondents from people of all ages and backgrounds across Netherlands and Finland.
Visualize a tree important to you. If you have several important trees in your life, choose one. The tree can live, be dead, or no longer exist. You can fill in the form multiple times to tell us about all your favorite trees. It takes about 20 minutes of your time per tree.
Your information remains confidential. Read more about how we protect your privacy in the Research Bulletin.
Go to the questionnaire
More information:
Dr. Juul Limpens (Netherlands), Plant Ecology and Nature conservation group, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Juul.Limpens [at], tel. +31 483173
Dr. Eeva-Stiina Tuittila (Finland), University of Eastern Finland
eeva-stiina.tuittila [at], tel. +358 50 4424299