Sonja’s greetings from Santiago, Chile
K: So the only thing you needed was that feeling of “I have to pee” and there you were: outside. Everything used to happen outside. A: And, and and there was the smell and the sound. K: Yeah. A: But nowadays there is no smell in the bathrooms […] K: Mm. K2: Mm. K: They […]
SENSORY WALK in “Why the world needs anthropologists” – conference, Lisboa, Portugal
I arrived on Wednesday the 24th of October 2018 to Lisbon. The next day we met with my colleague and SENSOTRA’s Slovenian expert prof. Rajko Muršič and with some local people from the WWNA conference to plan our sensory walk here in Lisboa. We decided to perform the walk near ISCTE where our workshop would take place […]