My tips to balanced student life in Kuopio

Writer: Pracheta De
Master’s Degree Programme: Biomedicine
“Namaste! Hello! Terve!” has become my usual greeting when I introduce myself at any event these days. It makes me feel great to embrace all the cultures around me and that is part of the reason why I came to study here in Finland.
Choosing to study Biomedicine at UEF, Kuopio, was one of the best decisions I’ve made as it gave me an opportunity to meet people from around the world, study in a fair education system, and have good work-life balance. Not only have I learned to live independently but I can also handle adversities better now.
Studying at UEF (Kuopio) allowed me to explore all areas around me and be able to balance my studies, extra-curricular activities, friends & family and personal me-time. Here are some ways I learned to have a study-life balance.
View from the window of my student apartment in Kuopio.
I am a MSc. Biomedicine student at UEF and briefly we learn about different ways in which our DNA works and molecular changes that occur in our body. Some key rules I follow while studying is scheduling that helps me manage time and maximise my potential. I try to utilize the online library of UEF (UEF Primo, earlier UEF Finna) to gather my resources. Finnish exams are very different from what I had back in India and they don’t have any definite exam period. All course assignments and exams are held when the courses finish (not together). The one best thing I have experienced is the engagement involved in courses and the equal treatment of students. UEF also orients us students with apps (Tuudo, Moodle, Frank, etc) that make student life easier and more organised. I am personally studying on a scholarship and the scholarship programme is very helpful and fair at the university. The Kuopio campus is beautiful and allows me to study amidst nature and it is refreshing to walk by the lake every day.
Savilahti Lake, UEF Kuopio – Between Snellmania and Canthia building.
The best activities to get involved with and that make student life joyful and relaxing are hosted by these organizations. From parties to movie Nights ESN KISA does it all! ISYY is the university’s student union that provides Sykettä sports services, membership to ISYY gives access to student health care services (FSHS) and much more. The Frank app houses the free student ID and also gives various student deals.
Independence day Torch Parade event.
Friends & family
I am very thankful for all the friends I have made after coming to Kuopio. From having friends from all across the globe to all my Finnish friends, I appreciate all and love that I now have a family here too. It wasn’t easy to break the ice but eventually Finns can make great friends! Also travelling with friends can be a lot of fun and you can also save money in group travel. The student apartments provide good internet that also helps me reach my friends and family back home in India. Thank god for technology, I can see my parents and my sister every day!
It is very important to invest time in oneself and that is one thing I have learnt over time. I usually try to relax by journaling, cooking a good Indian meal, and meditating. I also try to invest some time in travelling as I love to visit new places and also nature walking (easy to do in Finland). Cleaning and organizing my apartment are a good stress buster for me. Kuopas Housing is good enough for a student and helps fit a good living space in my monthly budget.
My lovely and small student apartment (KUOPAS).
Making it through
Finally, a few things that helped me balance my life was to learn Finnish, explore second hand shops and eat at the university cafeteria. Free Finnish courses worth credits are available at the university that help to mingle with people here. The second hand culture in Finland is awesome and I got many good quality things for cheap. A balanced diet helps to stay sane and work hard and is very filling for a cheap student pricing (don’t forget to show your student ID!). Nature walks help me to reduce stress and along with time spent at sauna, they have become my favourite hobby.
So, keep calm, take your vitamin D and go to SAUNA!
“Tips to balanced students life in Kuopio” – see Pracheta’s video for tips on YouTube
Pracheta De