Seasonal depression, as BOOTs might come back? – NO way, it`s time to face to Nature!

I posted my last blog, when I took my winter BOOTS of, now I feel we sort of have to take those back, soon as first minuses just behind us….. to discover the beauty of this season we are facing for.
Autumn at Finland is one of my favorite season ever (though to be honest I’ll probably be saying the same about summer as soon as it comes around /if it rolls really with sun and hot…./). Sitting with a steaming cappuccino and a blanket by the beach of Kallavesi I’m just getting excited that we are finally facing to RUSKA, again.
Like, there are so many evoking things to do during autumn and if you are able to do at least some of them it might be be the best season ever. But be prepared, as you just blink and suddenly it’s -10 degrees and half meter high snowpacks arrive outside…..
You know, my ideas about autumn come from where I grew up in Hungary, and I have to tell you Kuopio doesn’t seem to make quite as big of a deal out of S Nicolas day with pumpkins and flavored everything, and harvest ball. So starting my third autumn here, I`m happy to share some autumn tips for UEF Blog readers, who might just arrived on a rainy day to Kuopio, and wake up for a chilly next.
So here are few tips, you might wish to have experience during your stay at the capital of lake Finland during the autumn:
As days getting shorter, nights darker, literally every single Finnish person, I asked about things to do first at Savo in autumn during weekends mentioned spending time in a cabin (MÖKKI) by LAKE.
As Ruska ahead with 1000 OF THE FALL COLORS nature starts to turn orange, yellow, brown and red (I especially love the bright reds). However, these moments are short, it’s the last chance to go hiking before the first snow might come.
Clear sky, time to SMELL and LISTEN the autumn
And so of course this would be my second top recommendation for autumn in Savo, if there is not a rainy day…. Although cold air these days are a bit crisp for travelers, however it is worth to SMELL its taste and the views out over a lake are much clearer with 1000 OF COLORED LEAVES by the beach. This scenario just ultimate…… It much more evoking for a mid-European eye, than the hazy days of summer, although sometimes you need a gloves to take, if you pull out from your pocket…. Nature is facing the arrival of a winter, starts to be quite, you really can LISTEN the voice of the wind. Sometimes other things, too if you are hiking in a vast forest.
Get some MUSHROOM and BERRIEs, the products of Finnish FOREST.
You might know the the everyman`s right (jokamiehen-oikeudet): Passing and hiking in FOREST and picking products of nature without permission from anybody. This time of the year it’s trouble-free to start your mushroom and berries hunting hobby as there are mainly good one MUSHROOMs to pick. Savo is really a picker’s paradise, yet only a fraction of the hundreds of edible wild mushroom species growing here I have picked up for consumption…., but I used to buy from locals as many of non-professional mushroom hunter like I am going often to Kauppatori these days to find these gifts of vast Finnish forests. Just remember to remove salt before consumption if you buy SUOLASIENIA.
I know it`s hard but start your day early to see the FOG OVER a LAKE
Days can still be “warm” (with + 10 even up to 15 Co), while the nights started to get seriously chilly or even frozen.
However the lake water being “bit” warmer than the air in the morning….. means that you might wake up to a magical FOG rolling over a LAKE you walk, bike or drive by.
Time to hunt the NORTHERN LIGHTS
The days are getting dark enough to be lucky and discover NORDIC LIGHTS again, and it’s not yet terrible cold to be spending some hours outside waiting for the miracle to be happen.
All possible kind of GOLF: FUN, ENJOY the COMPANY and the NATURE
Having space enough for playing GOLF, it has been popular for some 40-50 years now in Finland, however new fixtures of the alternative sporting scenes have been exploded into mainstream outdoor activity over the past decade. The MINIGOLF and Frisbee Golf. That probably has something to do with the fact that these alternatives are relatively simple and there isn’t a lot of money or equipment involved. However, the real secret of a FUN autumn weekend afternoon on the FRISBEE and MINI GOLF green comes down to the friends you’re with in the NATURE.
These games do not have an especially very competitive air; instead, it’s all about ENJOYing yourself and the COMPANY you’re with while getting a bit of exercise and fresh air. Most important, who haven’t played the game might have only few minutes -as hard- time understanding how enjoyable it can truly be. A real fun for even a mid-European emigrant.
At last but not at least, you can enjoy the INdoors again.
When and if (=often) rainy autumn days rolls around in Savo, I am sure you also think that and it’s okay to spend some silent moments Indoor at your house, in some lovely cozy restaurant or if you need attraction for kids than at Hoplop :-D.
Do you have anything to add?
For sure…..
Szabi Felszeghy