UEF Library – a great influence on the learning journey

For any eager student who is interested in reading up-to-date articles, getting knowledge from its direct sources, or just learning and getting lost between the books; the University Library is the place! That’s common and needless to say how much time students spend in the libraries, and how it influences their learning journey.
My name is Sara Alimam, and I would like to share with you some features of University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Library, that makes it one of the best references of learning for any potential keen scholar.
UEF library has 3 branches, Joensuu Campus library, Kuopio campus library, and Kuopio University Hospital library. All the material acquired by the UEF Library can be found in the UEF Finna (which is the online portal for search service of the university library): like books, journals, databases and other resources; in print and electronic format. During your stay for the degree program, UEF library gives you the access to reading rooms and computer work stations, books which can be borrowed home or read in the library, periodicals / journals (printed) that can be read in the library, multidisciplinary databases on several subjects, and remote access to all electronic resources registered by the university.
Some facts of UEF library and UEF Finna:
• UEF Finna contains 61 681 electronic journals to which the university has acquired access rights. Access isn’t usually free but the university pays subscriptions for these journal so that it becomes accessible for us and university staff members.
• The library has a selection of approximately 280 000 e-books from various academic fields. All e-books acquired for the library’s collections can be found in UEF Finna.
• University provides access to 430 databases, they usually enable you to search a large body of scholarly literature. Such as: PubMed, CINAHL (EBSCO), Scopus, and others.
• You can borrow books from all the library branches, even if you’re not a student of the same campus. You only need to request the book, wait for 2 days and it will come to your preferred campus!
• You can renew your loans up to 10 times in UEF Finna if the book isn’t reserved, each time is 2 weeks. So that’s A LOT of time for you to enjoy reading!
• When you want to go further to a wide scale in your research, you can even order free pdf copies of journal articles and make reservations (for a small fee) on books available in the National Repository Library of Finland via UEF Finna.
The UEF library also offers you courses and study materials about using the library and on information retrieval, see e.g. the Quick guide for information searching or your discipline specific information skills course. There is even a subject-specific information specialist you can book an appointment with if you need help in information retrieval (by filling a form), and in Joensuu campus library you can pop into Neuvola (Clinic) to get assistance in searching.
All in all, UEF library basically gives the student all what he/she needs to search, learn, and study. The study areas in the pictures are from Kuopio campus. There are places for silent studying and group working, accompanied with common rooms for leisure. So without noticing, libraries at UEF will become another home for your hardworking knowledge-seeking mind to spend some time in.
Follow one or more of the UEF library social media channels – UEF library blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Yammer – to stay up-to-date on what the library has to offer. Or contact the library via the chat channel if you have a quick question to ask.
Interested to know more? Please visit: UEF library
Sara Alimam