Capturing the granularity of video watching with xAPI
A common problem with Learning Management System data is the granularity of the collected data. For example, if a teacher uploads a video lecture for students to watch, the only data collected is whether students opened the video link or not, but not whether they followed the video for its entire duration, the moments they […]
Best paper award at LAK 2024
Our article “Have Learning Analytics Dashboards Lived Up to the Hype? A Systematic Review of Impact on Students’ Achievement, Motivation, Participation and Attitude” has received the Best Paper Award at the Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 2024). The study presents a meta-analytical review about learning analytics dashboards and their relationship with academic achievement, engagement, […]
WP2 Follow-up meeting
Today we meet to discuss the progress regarding WP2, specifically our data sources and architecture. Our next tasks are implementing the necessary tools to realize our proposed solution and to work on the data consent forms to collect data from our students.