Training highlights: Tips for starting a business
What goes into starting your business? How can you generate business ideas? What about pitching? Below, we share highlights and tips from two sessions of our Self-Employment Now and in the Future training. Creating your business idea and brand In our 11 November training session Project Coordinator Veikko Miettinen focused on the key areas of […]

New training starts: Self-Employment Now and in the Future
The second iteration of our self-employment training started two weeks ago with a new name and an updated programme featuring new trainers and company guests. The training covers the basics of self-employment, such as changes in working life, skill development, support services for new entrepreneurs and international talents, digital tools for entrepreneurs and networking. The […]

Updating our exterior
We have a new look! You can now recognize us by the design in the picture either in turquoise or yellow, while our logo remains the same. We will be gradually updating our platforms to match the new design. The new design blends different shapes and textures, much like how we combine the core skills of […]

Ready for change? – Employer’s role in skills development
The rapid change of working life is a hot topic right now. As the pace of change seems to accelerate, it can be difficult to grasp the big picture and understand what the biggest changes will be and how they will impact the specific skill needs of different industries. The topic evokes many emotions: concerns […]

Multilingual project – How we make it work
Our project operates in a multilingual and multicultural environment. International students and jobseekers are at the centre of our operations, so any kind of experimentation and brainstorming that promotes multilingual communication has been part of the project from the beginning. Although we primarily operate in English and Finnish, we have not excluded other languages. What […]