Training and Events

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28 August 2024: North Karelia Future Skills Forum kick-off

Welcome to the kick-off event of our North Karelia Future Skills Forum on 28 August. This is a collaborative forum for identifying change in working and business life: skills anticipation, trends, and weak signals.

The kick-off event is part of the two-day LITHME workshop organised by the LITHME COST Action Network. LITHME stands for Language in the Human-Machine Era. In our panel discussion, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of language technologies in multilingual workplaces in North Karelia. The panel is in English.

Time and place: 28.8.2024, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu

The exact time and place will be confirmed later.

Autumn 2024: CUDIS on the road – Company visits in North Karelia 

In autumn 2024, we will be organising a company tour across North Karelia, taking UEF students to visit different companies. We aim to showcase the diverse and innovative companies that thrive in our region. This journey will bring together North Karelian companies and Finnish and international students from humanities and computer science. 

More information for:

Past events

Digital and international competence development service

In North Karelian companies, support is needed for the digital and international leap. Expertise in computer science and language and culture fields is an important part of the change. Utilise your strengths and apply your skills in real-life work situations – Participate in the pilot of the Digital and international competence development service. You will gain direct connections to companies in the region and experience in multidisciplinary and multilingual teamwork.

For: 1) North Karelian enterprises, 2) master’s and postgraduate students of Humanities and Computing 3) Recently graduated jobseekers from these fields. Students in the final stages of their bachelor’s studies are also welcome. 

ECTS and other attainments? You can earn 5 credits and/or an open badge by participating in the orientations and other events (19 hrs), doing a company interview, and creating a development plan (teamwork, 50-80 hrs). Humanities students can include the credits for example in Work Experience 1–10 ECTS studies/course and computing students can include the credits in Optional and minor subject studies. Discuss credit incorporation with the respective course instructors. Jobseekers must check the possible effects of participating in the training on unemployment benefits with the TE services.

Language? English and Finnish

Price: Free

Sign up by 11.3.2024 (closed).

Implementation of the development service
In the development service, companies’ current digital capabilities, ability to recruit and lead international talents and communicate with multilingual customers are assessed. After the assessment, teams create development plans for the companies.

Participation in the pilot requires attending orientations and committing to teamwork. After the orientation, the teams conduct interviews to assess digital and international readiness in companies. The interview questions are based on VTT’s DigiMaturity Tool and Business Finland’s Talent Boost Index. Based on the interview results, teams will craft individual development plans for companies.


  • 12.3.2024 (9.00 – 12.00)  Orientation 1, AG109
  • 18.3.2024 (10.30 – 14.30)  Orientation 2, AG102 
  • 22.3.2024 (9.00 – 14.30) Orientation 3, AG102
  • 25.3.2024 (9.15 – 13.00) Match making event, AG108 
  • April – May: Interviews in enterprises and development plans
  • 24.5.2024 (9.00 – 12.00) Final meeting, AG102

Training: Digital and international competences of enterprises, February 2024

Working life training which focuses on improving digital and international competences and the operational environments of enterprises. Operational environments are prone to rapid change both locally and globally. Communication with employees is increasingly taking place in foreign languages. There are various new technologies on the market. Enterprises must be prepared to adjust to these changes.  

The half of the training offers information on digital technologies used in enterprises and the opportunities of AI in internal communication and improving work performance.  The second half focuses on the recruitment of international experts and communication in diverse work communities. The training includes expert-led lectures and case examples from the business field.  

For: 1) North Karelian enterprises, 2) master’s and postgraduate students of Humanities and Computing 3) Recently graduated jobseekers from these fields. Students in the final stages of their bachelor’s studies are also welcome. 

ECTS and other attainments? Students and recent graduates can attend individual sessions and include them in their professional portfolios. By attending all meetings and writing a learning journal students can earn 2 ECTS credits and an open badge as a proof of their competence. Jobseekers must check the possible effects of participating in the training on unemployment benefits with the TE services. Jobseekers can earn an open badge by attending all meetings and writing a learning journal.

Where? Room AG109, Agora building, Yliopistokatu 4, Joensuu.

Languages? Finnish, interpretation in English

Price? Free

Sign up here.


5 Feb 2024 at 8:30-12:45 Key technologies of the future in improving work performance

  • Coffee 8:30-9:00
  • What is AI? – The opportunities and risks
  • The newest AI apps and their potential
  • Translation technologies for internal communication and enhancing work performance
  • Computer vision and image recognition
  • Trainers: Professor Matti Tedre (UEF), Professor Maarit Koponen (UEF), University Teacher Harri Karhu (UEF) and Project Coordinator Veikko Miettinen (CUDIS)

9 Feb 2024 at 8:30-14:00 Key technologies of the future and user experience

  • Coffee 8:30-9:00
  • The use of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies (VR/XR) and metaverse in remote meetings and teamwork
  • Lunch break. Kindly note that lunch expenses are the responsibility of each attendee.
  • The use of eye tracking, BCI (Brain Computer Interface) and the newest user analytics in measuring user experience
  • Trainers: Training Officer Olli Tiilikainen (UEF) and Project Coordinator Veikko Miettinen (CUDIS)

16 Feb 2024 at 8:30-12:45 Recruiting international experts

  • Coffee 8:30-9:00
  • Multiculturalism as a strength
  • Recruiting international experts
  • How to support integration
  • Trainers: Researcher Veikko Ikonen (VTT), Trainer Virpi Moilanen (Talent Hub Eastern Finland), CEO Yasmin Ayyoubi and COO Remo Vilkko (Premissi Creative)

23 Feb 2024 at 8:30-12:45 Communication in multilingual work communities

  • Coffee 8:30-9:00
  • Language awareness
  • Methods for fluent communication in multilingual work communities
  • Trainers: Professor Minna Suni (University of Jyväskylä), Trainer Virpi Moilanen (Talent Hub Eastern Finland) and Project Reseacher Alicja Fajfer (UEF)
  • Business Case: Arbonaut Ltd (CEO Tuomo Kauranne)

Training: International and digital perspectives on customer-oriented self-employment DEC 2023 – Jan 2024

Do you want to enhance your employability during your studies? Have you recently graduated but need to upgrade your skills? Knowledge of the various forms of self-employment is a fundamental skill for professional jobs in any sector. For self-employed individuals, quality customer service and communication skills are essential. Fluency in multilingual and multicultural interaction is required when dealing with customers, whether the business is domestic or international. To succeed in this, you need to be familiar with the opportunities offered by digital technologies and be able to use them.

What? Working life training (19 hr) which focuses on the basics of customer-oriented self-employment. The training discusses different types of self-employment, entrepreneurial skills and starting your own business, and provides information on how new digital technologies and service design can support customer interaction. The training includes case examples from the business world and presentations from work life experts.

For: Master’s and postgraduate students in the humanities and computer science and recent job seekers in these fields. Students in the final stage of their Bachelor’s studies are also welcome.

Where? Joensuu Campus, Agora Building, Room AG 109

Languages? English and Finnish 

ECTS? Students and recent graduates can attend individual training events and include them in their professional portfolios. By attending all events (19 hrs) and completing the mandatory assignments students can earn 3 ECTS credits. The mandatory assignments are: learning journal (12-14 pages), theme-specific smaller assignments, brainstorming business ideas.


8 Dec 2023 at 9:00-12:00 Transformation of working life – New career prospects 

  • Forces of change, essential skills, professional work of the future 
  • Keynote speakers: Ellun Kanat

11 Dec 2023 at 10:00-15:00 (1 hour break) Entrepreneurial capabilities  

  • Becoming an entrepreneur – What does it take?  
  • Areas of business (e.g. products, marketing, customer service)
  • Business case: Premissi Creative Oy

9 Jan 2024 at 12:00-16:00 Starting a new business

  • Trainer: Business Coach Satu Niiranen (Business Joensuu) 
  • How to get started as an international professional? 
  • Support services 
  • Self-employment types 
  • Business Case: Kafe Mank oy 

10 Jan 2024 at 12:00-16:00 Starting a new business 2

  • Trainer: Specialist (business and recruitment service) Minna Komulainen (Employment and Economic Development Services / TE Office) 
  • TE Office entrepreneurship trainings 
  • TE Office start-up funds  
  • Trainers: Project Coordinator Veikko Miettinen (CUDIS) 
  • Draft program 
  • Trainer: Business Coach Satu Niiranen (Business Joensuu)
  • Start Me Up business idea competition 

16 Jan 2024 at 12:00-16:00 Tools and methods of customer-oriented business  

  • Service Design: Improving the quality of customer interactions across diverse languages and cultures 
  • Customer research on search engines
  • Keynote speakers: Paju Consulting Oy and Tovari Oy

Sign up here!

Meet & Greet, 23 NOV 2023

The registration form has closed. The event is full.

Come learn about CUDIS and experience amazing art.

The Meet & Greet consists of an introduction to CUDIS and our training events, a speech by light artist Kari Kola and a coffee service.

Where? Botania Art Garden, Heinäpurontie 70, 80110 Joensuu
When? 23.11.2023 at 14:00 – 16:00
For: Students and graduates of humanities and computing, jobseekers, company representatives, UEF staff

CUDIS Pop-up 14-15 Nov 2023

Tiedepuisto/Science Park (Länsikatu 15, 80110 Joensuu)14.11.2023 at 10:00-12:00 &
Agora (Yliopistokatu 4, 80100 Joensuu) 15.11.2023 at 10:00-12:00

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