Retrieving students’ ChatGPT interactions
The overarching goal of the ISILA project is improving teaching practices through innovative tools that provide real-time insights into student learning and engagement. With the rise of conversational AI tools like ChatGPT, educators now have access to powerful resources that can enrich the learning experience. However, effectively utilizing these tools requires efficient methods for collecting […]
Generating xAPI logs from tabular data: The csv2xAPI tool
Our solution to combine data from multiple sources in the scope of the ISILA project consists of a tool to convert from pretty much any CSV file (or other tabular format) to xAPI JSON logs that can be sent to a Learning Record Store. The tool that we have developed for this purpose is called […]
WP2 Follow-up meeting 2
We have just finished our second follow-up meeting for WP2. We discussed the tools developed to transform multimodal data into xAPI format and the development of learning analytics dashboards to visualize these data from heterogeneous sources. We also discussed the next steps to test our tools.
ISILA Kick-off meeting
Today we kick off our project with an online meeting involving all partners: University of Eastern Finland (Finland), University of Bergen (Norway), Sofia University (Bulgaria), Belgrade Metropolitan University (Serbia), and University of León (Spain). We went over our WPs and started to plan the first project tasks. We are so thrilled to begin working together!