A note on Ceisal 2022: Let’s ask uncomfortable questions
By Dr. Jasmin Immonen I attended the tenth Ceisal Conference arranged in Helsinki between 13-15 June 2022, excited to have my first on-site conference in a while and leave the mask at home. Hundreds of Latin American specialists had arrived in Helsinki, and the University did a magnificent job pampering the guests with coffee, snacks, […]
Doctoral Defense: The anti-mining movement in Brazil between 2013-2017
We are happy to announce to you that our colleague and friend Mariana Galvão Lyra will defend her doctoral dissertation next November 5th, 2021 Time:12:00–15:00 Event location: Metria, M100, Joensuun kampus “The thesis makes an important contribution to the analysis of social movements in Brazil through a case study of the anti-mining movement in Brazil […]
UEF Public Examination: German Quimbayo Ruiz doctoral dissertation –video–
Our ESDLA researcher Germán A. Quimbayo Ruiz defended his doctoral dissertation “Reterritorializing conflicting urban natures: Socio-ecological inequalities and the politics of Spatial Planning in Bogotá” on March 12th, 2021. We are gladly sharing in this post the record of the public examination event that had around 60 persons following online. The Opponent in the public examination […]
Resuming ESDLA Blog Special Issue and invitation to event on LAC in times of Covid19
After a long break, we are resuming our special issue with Nadia Nava Contreras’ collaboration focusing on Cuba. So many things and events have had happened during 2020 regarding the pandemic since our latest post was published, therefore, we take the chance to invite all readers to our event related to the Covid-19 pandemic theme […]
Development Days 2019, Helsinki 27.2.-1.3. Repositioning global development: Decolonial thinking and bringing forth systemic alternatives
In this post, we have a report from ESDLA member Laura Kumpuniemi, about a summary of some discussions held in the most recent Development Days Conference in Helsinki, past 27.2-1.3. 2019. Laura is a Ph.D. researcher in the doctoral programme of Social and Cultural Encounters at the University of Eastern Finland. Her research is about […]
Activities Winter-Spring 2019
Hi! Moi! ¡Hola! Olá! After a break in our blog site, we are back reporting about relevant academic activities regarding the environment, society, and development. Let’s begin with a research seminar that kicked off the year with a pertinent topic, which is the relationship between scholars, research, and civil society action. The past 29 to […]
First post and a short report from the 10th NOLAN Conference, Norway
¡Hola! Oi! This is our first post on ESDLA group’s blog, and we are hoping to stay posting each time we can. There is no better way to start our blog posting doing a short report about the participation of some of the group members in the 10th Nordic Latin American Research Network-NOLAN- Conference, in […]