Doctoral Defense: The anti-mining movement in Brazil between 2013-2017
We are happy to announce to you that our colleague and friend Mariana Galvão Lyra will defend her doctoral dissertation next November 5th, 2021 Time:12:00–15:00 Event location: Metria, M100, Joensuun kampus “The thesis makes an important contribution to the analysis of social movements in Brazil through a case study of the anti-mining movement in Brazil […]
Navigating Midwifery Waters in Mexico
(…) because midwives in this country and around the world… not only do they look after births and pregnancies but in fact, they do a lot more… for women’s reproductive and sexual rights. In the video below, the researcher Georgina Sánchez-Ramírez (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Mexico) and co-author of the newly published book […]