More than perfect Finland (Joensuu) experience :)

It was my first visit to Finland and it started in Helsinki with such nice and unobtrusive Nordic design where ever you take a look. The train ride from Helsinki to Jounsuu, then, was a very nice opportunity to enjoy the beautiful landscapes.
Our first meeting at UEF started as it was written there really: “state of smart”! In the “middle of knowhere” I met such nice, polite and great colleagues. In their company all five of us (3 teaching and 2 administrative stuff) enjoyed our time so much.
Responsible for the very nicely scheduled and relaxed atmosphere were our great hosts: Sarina, Kirsi and Minchun. They are now our great friends who we would like to host here in Serbia with great pleasure. Meeting with Director of International Affairs Riitta Keinanen and Professor Jyrki Kangas was an honor and pleasure for us and we really hope that we will proceed our cooperation in near future. Also, nice contacts with colleagues from Canada who were there, too, was great
Now I feel really “UEF// thirsty for knowledge” and hardy wait for the next opportunity to visit Finland again.
Joensuu is such a beautiful and romantic city. In this period of year with lot of snow and atmosphere the town is calm and we were very lucky with sunny weather all the time 🙂
Condition for teaching and learning in Jonesuu are more than great. Our students as well as teaching stuff give us their opinion on UEF experience and they really were more than satisfied. All places that we visited there were so greatly equipped and I think that all of the people who are lucky to have the opportunity to live, work and study there are very very happy people.
Beside that great conditions for work, additionally perfect are famous sauna, swimming pools, museums, nice areas for cycling or walking. Everything I had the opportunity to taste in Jonsuu was amazing. And local food is delicious…mmm 🙂
The national park Koli was like a perfect fairy-tales experience. Driving 7 km on a frozen lake was really exciting. The great view from top of the mountain is something that leaves you speechless. Impressions could be seen only from our smiling faces 🙂 on photos from there. All of us enjoyed it in a way that we could not explain with words. Koli is a place which I must undoubtedly see again, for all kind of winter sports it is more than perfect.
At the end, the most important impressions which I would like to point out are the really great people there, who make you feel like you are at home. I must stressed that now I have the feeling that I have my new like home country and new best friends in snowy landscapes of Finland.
I hope in June this year our dear friends from Finland will visit us here at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, Serbia. I am really looking forward and love to host them here.
Biljana Jovic
with colleagues Katarina Lazic, Slavica Karic, Vladan Ivetic and Vukan Lavadinovic     Â