Where did the time go?

When I started my trainee position at UEF’s Development Services, I was asked to write some texts for this blog, too, and share my experiences. Happily, I agreed. “Yes,” I though, “this will be a great thing. I will write something soon, for sure!” Here I am, five weeks later, finally writing these lines and wondering: Where did the time go?!
It went to meeting many new people every day during the first weeks, to getting to know the work and tasks, to learning the Finish language, and to experiencing (and falling in love with) the beautiful Finnish nature and culture. I don’t mean to be repetitive, but the Finnish friendliness and the beauty of Finland’s nature really cannot be stressed enough.
My days at work at the office are filled with laughter and friendly faces in the corridors – and, of course, the very enjoyable, regular coffee breaks. I am given both: guidance with what I have to do and responsibility to do things by myself which makes me feel very welcome, valued, and supported at all times. Another thing I strongly feel is gratitude for this opportunity to spend the next four months here in this new and exciting working environment.
Well, only 3 more left.
Outside of work, the hospitality and friendliness continues. My great colleagues have borrowed me the equipment to try cross-country skiing and given me useful suggestions for outdoor activities, such as the lovely cottage of Lykynlampi with free sauna visits or the lake side of Joensuu in Pyhäselkä. In addition, I got to enjoy a month of “Survival Finish” – a language course offered at UEF, and I am able to take part in UEF’s great variety of sport offers through Sykettä. Who would have thought before my departure that soon I would try snow-shoeing and instructed figure skating?! Not to mention the snow swimming with my new sauna friends 🙂
ski tracks and a path for ice skating on lake Pyhäselkä
Joensuun Latu’s cottage at Lykynlampi
I truly can’t believe that more than a month of my four-months-long stay in Joensuu has already passed, but what I know is that I am looking forward to everything that is waiting ahead, to enjoying the longest winter of my life, and that I will write more post about it – for sure!
Sarina Jasch