On the move… and college sports in the USA

Now, for a Finn with some enthusiasm of sports in general, participating college sports is an experience. My great hosts here in Nebraska took me to a college football game in Lincoln of the Huskers (GO BIG RED!) and ice hockey game of UNO Mavericks (GO MAVERICKS!). What makes the games here so unbelievable is the crowd and settings. In the Huskers’ football game we had about 90000 people in the Memorial Stadium and the new Mavericks’ Baxter arena fits almost 8000 people in it. In addition to that, these games have other side activities going on, e.g. a huge band in the Huskers game. So, if you are on the move in the US, go to these college sports games!
Huskers band before the game
Author: Erkko Sointu