Monthly Publications, January 2025
“Monthly Publications” is a monthly summary by the School of Forest Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland, featuring scientific articles published during the month. This summary aims to make the latest research in forest sciences more accessible to practitioners, such as companies, policymakers, and forest owners, to enable more effective practical application of research findings.
Denis Dobrynin, Alexander Vorbrugg, Teppo Hujala. (2025). Forestry on abandoned agricultural land: Future options for Russia. Land Use Policy Volume 150, March 2025, 107435.
Harrinkari, T., Kanniainen, T., Koronen-Kurki, K., Tikkanen, J., Hujala, T., Toivonen R. (2025) Sustainability Translated: Evolution of Sustainability Goals in Finnish Forest Policy (1990–2020). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Resources. Accepted
Korrensalo A., Kettunen J., Mehtätalo L., Vanhatalo J., Tuittila E-S. Detecting moderate change in species and trait composition and quantifying uncertainty across spatial scales in a boreal peatland. Accepted to be published in Journal of
Vegetation Science in December 2024.
Kunnas, J., Borsari, B. (2024). Planetary Health and Climate Change in the Anthropocene. In: Filho, W.L., Vidal, D.G., Dinis, M.A.P. (eds) Planetary Health and Climate Change: Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change to the Well-Being of Our
Planet. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.
Pehkonen, M., Vastaranta, M., Holopainen, M., Hyyppä, J., Kukko, A., & Pyörälä, J. 2025. Identification and segmentation of branch whorls and sawlogs in standing timber using terrestrial laser scanning and deep learning. Accepted to Forestry: An International
Journal of Forest Research 8.1.2025.
Jarkko Pesonen, Robert Prinz, Heikki Ovaskainen, Pertti Kauranen, Asko Poikela & Kalle Kärhä. (2025). Alternative powertrains and fuels in heavy non-road mobile machinery and their future expectations – A review. Current Forestry
Reports. DOI: 10.1007/s40725-024-00244-2.
Poorazimy, M., Ronoud, G., Yrttimaa, T., Hyyppä, J., Saarinen, N., Kankare, V., & Vastaranta, M. (2024). An integrated approach combining bi-temporal airborne laser scanning and X-ray microdensitometry in assessing wood properties. Forest Ecology and Management. Accepted 7.1.2025.