Work Packages
The project consists of Six main Work packages for management, development, data collection and analysis, and dissemination
Ensure consistent and effective management of the project and an optimal coordination of work among the WPs. All partners conduct quality control activities and submit internal reports.
Preparation of data infrastructure for the ISILA project. This involves an analysis of technical specifications to ensure data collection from diverse sources, the development of essential tools to facilitate data management and processing, and the formulation of guidelines for the ethical and legal handling of learner data to maintain data privacy and integrity.
- Report with the analysis carried out on technical specifications of collection of data from heterogeneous sources
- Online ecosystem for the collection and analysis of learner data
- Creation of multimodal dashboard for teachers
- Guidelines of ethical and legal requirements for learner data collection, storage and processing.
WP3 focuses on implementing learning analytics-based intervention methods in teaching. It includes developing guidelines for classroom interventions, preparing teaching materials for online teacher training, and equipping educators with skills to use learning analytics platforms and multimodal dashboards. A total of 25 teachers from partner HEIs are trained online. Additionally, 10 curricula for pilot courses are designed, integrating learning analytics to track student progress and provide clear instructional guidance.
- Guidelines for implementing intervention methods in class-based Learning analytics.
- Teaching Materials for teacher training workshop
- Pilot Course Curriculum and Intervention Plan:
- BMU Courses : Distributed Systems, Web Development and Object-Oriented Programming I
- SU Courses: Digital Design and Human-Computer interaction Courses
- UEF Courses: Data Management Systems and Social Network Analysis
- UiB Courses: Basic Statistics and Fantastic Data
- ULE Courses: Computer Animation and Computer Architecture
WP4 focuses on piloting and evaluating the effectiveness of learning analytics-based interventions. As part of this effort, pilot courses are being conducted across 10 courses (two per institution), with data collection and processing to analyze student performance. A detailed report is being prepared to document the interventions implemented and their outcomes. Additionally, surveys are being conducted with both students and teachers at the end of the semester to gather feedback and assess the impact of the interventions on teaching and learning experiences.
WP5 focuses on analyzing the effectiveness of pilot courses and refining intervention strategies based on learner profiles. A comprehensive report highlights best practices, challenges, and recommendations for improvement, while updated guidelines extend intervention methods to a wider range of courses. Additionally, enhanced multimodal data reports are integrated into teacher dashboards, and new teaching materials are developed to support broader teacher training and multiplier events.
WP6 focuses on disseminating project results and increasing awareness through various channels. This includes defining a dissemination strategy, creating the project’s visual identity, and maintaining an updated website with published results. Findings are shared via social media, media outlets, international conferences, and platforms. A detailed report on dissemination activities, including engagement metrics, is regularly updated to assess impact.