FUTE blog series: Fostering a globally oriented pedagogy. A driving force for sustainable development
by Rehema Mwakabenga My previous experience teaching in a secondary school located in a remote pastoral area revealed that globally-oriented teaching was not prioritized nor was it something we talked about as teachers. Limited access to information and communication (ICT) infrastructures such as computers, projectors, internet, televisions, and mobile phones exacerbated issues associated with teaching. […]
FUTE blog series: Join the conversation on embracing education for sustainable development in teacher training
by Shemunyenge Taleiko Embracing Sustainable Education in Teacher Training – A Pathway to a Better Sustainable Future In an era where sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity, educators play a crucial role in shaping tomorrow’s leaders, thinkers, and change-makers. As educators, we are uniquely positioned to foster a culture of sustainability in […]
FUTE blog series: Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education – from local actions to global needs
by Sari Havu-Nuutinen The world is rapidly changing with increasing environmental and social challenges and the wicked problems of local issues of everyday life. Often these issues and concerns are discussed in the schools, but it has been proved that teachers lack competence to discuss global challenges widely. We need more concrete support to promote […]