Who we are

PhD Kajar Köster

Expertise: disturbance ecology; greenhouse gas fluxes.

Current position: University Researcher (Interactions of ecological disturbances and atmosphere). Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Eastern Finland 

PhD, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Forestry 2009
MSc, Estonian Agricultural University/ Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 2005

Research interests: 

Carbon dynamics in forest soils, with special interest in disturbed (fire, wind, reindeer grazing, etc.) areas

E-mail: kajar.koster@uef.fi

Prof. Jukka Pumpanen

Expertise: Climate change; greenhouse gas fluxes; fire ecology; boreal and arctic ecosystems.

Current position: Professor (Microbial Biogeochemistry), Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences,
University of Eastern Finland

PhD, University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences, 2004

Research interests:

Processes related to the decomposition of soil organic matter (mechanisms of the decomposition of soil organic matter and the role of living rhizosphere in decomposition). The effects of disturbances (e.g. wildfires, forest harvesting and herbivory) on soil carbon and nitrogen pools and fluxes. The effects of black carbon and biochar on soil organic matter decomposition and nutrient availability in boreal forest soils.

E-mail: jukka.pumpanen@uef.fi

Prof. Frank Berninger


Current position: Professor (Plant Ecology), Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences,
University of Eastern Finland

Research interests: The interactions of forests and the environment. The long-term dynamics of soil organic matter after forest fires and the energy exchange of northern ecosystems.

E-mail: frank.berninger@uef.fi

DSc, Nicola Kokkonen

Expertise: Peatland ecology, vegetation dynamics, gas fluxes

Current position: Post-Doctoral Researcher (Disturbances and Biogeochemistry). Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences

DSc, University of Eastern Finland, Forestry 2024

MSc, University of Alberta, Forest Biology and Management 2016

MSc, University of Eastern Finland, Agriculture and Forestry 2016

BSF, University of British Columbia, Forest Operations 2009

Research Interests:

My current research focuses on greenhouse gas emissions – particularly methane – from forest soils following fire. Here, I study the role of fire, biomass, and soil characteristics in determining soil emissions. I am also interested in plants as connectors between the soil and the atmosphere.

Email: nicola.kokkonen@uef.fi


MSc Mathilde Rebiffé

Expertise: soil water quality, remote sensing, soil sciences, hydrogeology, natural hazards

Current position: Doctoral Researcher (Environmental science). Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Eastern Finland

MSc, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France), Geosciences and risks 2023

BSF, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France), Earth and life sciences 2021

Research Interests:

I currently study the impact of fires of different severity on nutrient dynamics in forest soils, with a particular focus on characterizing the post-fire modifications and movements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and dissolved pyrogenic materials (DPyM) within the soil profile. I am also interested in heavy metals dynamics in soil following fire and remote sensing for fire severity mapping.

Email: mathilde.rebiffe@uef.fi


The DIsturbances and biogeochemistry working team consist of people from:

Biogeochemistry Research group, at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences of the University of Eastern Finland, led by Prof. Jukka Pumpanen.

Plant Ecology Research group, at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences of the University of Eastern Finland, led by Prof. Frank Berninger.

In addition, we collaborate with a wide range of international partners and projects: