
Skruv Street View
Street view from Skruv / Image: Google Maps

Skruv is situated in Kronoberg County, Småland, in southern Sweden. It lies approximately 322 kilometers from Stockholm and 220 kilometers from Copenhagen. The village, founded in 1874 around a railway station, is surrounded by flat farmland and evergreen forests. Nearby lies Ljuder, a small settlement anchored by a parish church. In 1975, the factory hooters structured daily life, and cycling was a common mode of transportation in Skruv. In 2000, the hooters had fallen silent, cycling declined, and the railway station had become a flower shop, as trains no longer stopped there.

Sources: Järviluoma et al. 2009; Statistiska centralbyrån 2023. / The content of this page combines the expertise of our research team with AI-assisted tools, ensuring precision and readability.