From Master’s Thesis to practical improvements in maritime industry

Within  industries, various sizes and types of companies thrive and fail depending on how well they can respond to current and future customer needs and the challenges of the business environment.

But why do certain companies within an industry perform better than others and what are the so-called best practices they utilise to become successful? Academic research may help practitioners to identify, validate and expand knowledge in such questions. In my Master’s Thesis I focused on the discovering best practices of the Front End of Innovation for the Maritime Industry.

Front end of innovation – where the ideas born

The front end of innovation, also known as fuzzy front-end, is the first part of the innovation process, when a business opportunity is identified, ideas for the opportunity are invented, and a concept for developing the actual solution is defined and planned.

The front end of innovation is still more or less unclear to academics and practitioners. For practitioners, profounder knowledge of a certain industry provides valuable hints to develop their own processes, practices and thinking. That was why, I wanted to study the front end of innovation and especially its opportunity identification and analysis part.

Maritime industry – the combination of old and new

Traditionally, the maritime industry changes slowly and a pressure for transformation comes from environmental and safety regulations as well as from local legislation. However, global megatrends such as globalization, digitalization, automatization and sustainability, have accelerated the transformation cycle of the maritime industry. Therefore, companies can no longer innovate just what buyers, in maritime industry that would be ship yards, explicitly happen to ask for.

The maritime solution providers should think and understand the latent customer needs of direct customers and end users as well. Inspecting how new technologies and business models from the other industries disrupt the business environment is also important.

Results that matter in practice

The case company of my Thesis was interested in to look for theoretically justified ways to deepen their understanding on the Front End of Innovations.

The results indicated that within the maritime industry a directive innovation vision and profound collaboration with all kind of partners are important factors for being successful within the front end of innovation. After working a while for other maritime solution provider, I can indeed say that directive innovation vision and profound collaboration are important in innovating new solutions within the maritime industry.

Photo of Joonas RuuskanenJoonas Ruuskanen

Master’s Thesis Title: Opportunity Identification and Analysis within the Front End of Innovation: An Instrumental Case Study within the Maritime Industry

Supervisor: Outi-Maaria Palo-oja

Välitöntä brändikokemusta mittaamaan

Jokainen meistä muistaa suuren joukon brändejä ja meillä kullakin on omat mielikuvamme niistä. Myös kuluttajatutkimuksessa on jo pitkään keskitytty analysoimaan assosiaatioita, joita liitämme tunnettuihin brändeihin.

Kun brändi on vallannut paikkansa markkinoilta, ovat brändin kehittämispäätökset jo historiaa. Etenkin brändien ideointivaihe tarvitsee tuekseen tutkimusta.

Millaisten ideoiden varaan kannattaisi uuden brändiaihion kehitystyössä panostaa?

Olemme kehittäneet kauppa- ja ravitsemustieteiden yhteistyönä tutkimusmenetelmää, jolla voisimme analysoida kuluttajan välittömiä reaktioita, kun hän joutuu ensikosketukseen uuden brändiärsykkeen kanssa. Nämä reaktiot sisältävät paljon tietoa uuden brändi-idean mahdollisuuksista.

Sovelsimme brändikokemuksen mittaamiseen alkujaan salattujen asenteiden analysointiin tarkoitettua IAT-menetelmää. Alkujaan tässä tietokoneavusteisessa menetelmässä pyrittiin kohdeärsykkeen aiheuttamien reaktioaikojen perusteella tunnistamaan sellaisia asenteita, joita koehenkilöllä kyllä on, mutta joita hän ei halua tai pysty paljastamaan. Tällaisia ovat esim. rotuennakkoluulot ja poliittiset asenteet.

Nyhtökaura ja sikanauta vertailussa 

Ensimmäiseen kokeeseemme otimme vielä idullaan olevan ruokatrendin ”ruumiillistuman”, Gold&Greenin Nyhtökauran, joka tarjoaa proteiinilähteen lihan vaihtoehdoksi. Tutkimuksen aikaan tämä oli vasta markkinoille tullut uutuus.

Kuvituskuva: nyhtökaura
Nyhtökauran markkinoinnissa järki voittaa tunteet.

IAT-koeasetelmassa Nyhtökauralle tarvittiin vertailubrändi. Valitsimme tähän suomalaisen perusproteiinin lähteen, Snellmanin sikanauta-jauhelihan.

IAT-tehtävän lähtökohtana olivat kummankin brändin pakkauksista otetut kuvat. Kokeeseen osallistui 24 henkilöä. IAT-ohjelma mittasi kunkin henkilön reaktioaikoja stimuluksiin, jotka ponnahtavat brändikuvien mukana hänen eteensä tietokoneen ruudulla.

Tenho ei yllä ajatuksista tunteisiin

Nyhtökauran aiheuttamat, välittömät mielleyhtymät olivat jauhelihaan verrattuna vahvemmin sekä älyllisiä että aistinvaraisia. Nyhtökaura antoi ajattelemisen aihetta ja sen odotettiin olevan hyvänmakuista.

Yllättävää oli kuitenkin se, että Nyhtökaura ei pystynyt herättämään välittömiä positiivisia tunteita yhtään sen voimakkaammin kuin jauhelihakaan. Nyhtökauran ”tenho” ei näyttäisi yltävän tunteisiin asti. Nyhtökauran kehittämisessä kannattaa siis edetä mieluummin kognitiivisin perustein kuin tunteisiin vedoten.

Kuvassa Teuvo KantanenTeuvo Kantanen

Lehtori, KTT

Drivers of online sales: An integrated study of customer reviews and backward effects

In February 2018, the third movie in an American series Fifty Shades was released. The movie itself earned a significant amount of success in opening weekend revenue – $38,560,195 in USA (Source: At the same time, the book version of the series also enjoyed additional sales from such release. Interestingly enough, not only the book three, the one on which the movie was based, but the first book in the series also gained major benefits. In fact, even though this is not the first time the series released a movie, the Amazon salesrank of the first book Fifty Shades of Grey still dropped to the lowest point 494 within one week of release from the peak 11,715 it reached two months ago (Source: The decreasing salesrank indicates an increase in book sales on the website.

According to brand extension theories, the phenomenon that an introduction of extension affects the consumption of original product is referred to as reciprocal spillover effect or backward effect. The above-mentioned case of Fifty Shades is an evident example; yet, the phenomenon can be observed in various occurrences such as when artists release new album, etc. Interested in the phenomenon, in my thesis I investigated the effect of releasing a new book on the first book sales using data collected from With the use of linear mixed-effects models, I found that the first book sales indeed decreased during the release of a new book. Besides that, the success of a new book determined the volume of extra sales. One surprising finding was that for popular book, the earlier release of new book enjoys more radical backward effect than the subsequence. However, this might not be the case for less popular book, particularly for extremely unpopular ones

Factors affecting product sales have always been an intriguing topic of research and word-of-mouth communication has been considered as one of the most influential drivers of sales. Especially in today’s world, online word-of-mouth possesses even more profound effect owning to its incredible spread and breadth. Searching on Google Scholar using keywords ‘effect of online reviews on sales’, one can easily find more than 700,000 papers, which demonstrates the rigorous attention of academic community to the topic. As a result, I chose to examine the role of online reviews. The result suggested that book rating alone did not have any significant persuasive effect on sales. In contrast, the number of reviews and its interaction with ratings did the job once consumers are informed about the parent product upon exposing to extension information.

Hien Nguyen

Master’s Thesis title: The reciprocal spillover effect in online book sales. Integrated with the effect of online reviews

Supervisor: Dr. Ville-Veikko Piispanen

Value creation in sales management

Financial administration field is going through major changes. Rapid and constant change in the field such as the changing role of accountant, growing digitalization and trend of outsourcing. Especially, the ever-growing competition brings challenges for accounting firms.

As a result, accounting firms have changed their organizational structure to response more to customer needs. They have built own sales organization to keep up the competition which has not traditionally been part of the financial administration field.

Customers’ value creation and sales

The purpose of my master’s thesis was to find ways to develop case company’s sales management. More precisely, to study how customer’s value creation contributes to the development of sales management and what kind of values customer’s value creation produces for sales management at the beginning of customer relationship.

The case company comes from the financial administration field which is going through changes. The digitalisation has rapidly increased over the years and will definitely increase all the time and moreover, customer preferences have changed.

Sales organizations in financial administration

So why did I choose this topic? I have a professional experience from the financial administration field and during my master’s studies I studied sales management as my minor studies. It was easy and natural combine these two topics as a research.

I also saw the opportunity for interesting research because as mentioned previously separate sales organization has not traditionally been part of the financial administration field.

Furthermore, it can be seen that when a new customer is reached, there is many value creation points to be managed.

Ideas for developing sales management

The research results showed that value creation process happens if there is interaction between customer and service provider. Especially, the value creation process highlighted the roles of customer, service provider and interactions.

Customer’s value creation produced new values to sales management parts which are sales strategy, sales operations and sales analysis. These values can be used together with existed values which help the development of sales management.

Overall, the practical contribution of my master’s thesis was achieved which was to understand how sales management can be developed.

Photo of Jenna NuutinenJenna Nuutinen

Master’s Thesis Title: Value Creation in Sales Management: Case from Financial Administration Field

Supervisor: Eeva Aromaa

Työssä koettu hyvinvointi osana kasvuliiketoimintaa

Liiketoiminnan kasvu ja työhyvinvointi ovat ajankohtaisia puheenaiheita. Molempia pidetään tavoiteltavina, mutta voivatko työhyvinvointi ja kasvu toteutua samanaikaisesti, samassa yrityksessä, vai onko niiden välillä ristiriita? Miten yksilötason työhyvinvointi ja organisaatiotason kasvu liittyvät toisiinsa?

Laajempi yhteiskunnallinen keskustelu työurien pidentämisestä alleviivaa työssä jaksamisen ja hyvinvoinnin merkitystä, mutta myös haastaa organisaatiot pohtimaan, miten henkilöstön työhyvinvointia voidaan kehittää ja tukea työssä jaksamisen edistämiseksi. Toisaalta taas kasvuyritystä leimaavat usein epävarmuus ja jatkuva muutos, joita voidaan pitää haasteina nimenomaan työhyvinvoinnin näkökulmasta.

Näistä lähtökohdista rakentui pro gradu –tutkielmani, jossa tutkin henkilöstön koettua työhyvinvointia kasvuyrityksessä. Tutkimukseni mukaan tärkeimpiä henkilöstön koettuun työhyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat työyhteisön tuki, avoin ilmapiiri, työstä palautuminen, työ- ja yksityiselämän välisen rajapinnan hallinta sekä työnohjaus. Merkittävin työhyvinvointia heikentävä tekijä on kiire; se hankaloittaa jo itsessään työhyvinvointia, mutta vaikuttaa siihen myös välillisesti. Kasvun ei koettu suoranaisesti aiheuttavan stressiä, mutta kasvun tuomia muutoksia ei myöskään toivottu. Välillisesti kasvustrategian toteuttamisen vaikutukset olivat kuitenkin läsnä henkilöstön arjessa, ja näin ollen osa myös heidän hyvinvointiaan.

Työn tunnekuorman käsittely on merkittävässä roolissa työssä jaksamisen tukena, ja siinä auttavat parhaiten työyhteisön eli kollegoiden tuki ja työnohjaus. Työ- ja yksityiselämän välisen rajapinnan hallinnan, työstä palautumisen sekä tukevien kollegoiden ja esimiesten merkitys työhyvinvoinnille on tärkeää. Tukeva ja luottamusta kehittävä johto edistää myös työhyvinvointia. Esimiehet voivat vaikuttaa työhyvinvointiin lisäämällä työnohjauksen saatavuutta, rakentamalla avointa virhekulttuuria ja ennen kaikkea olemalla läsnä. He voivat myös vaikuttaa kiireeseen selkeyttämällä vastuunjakoa ja tarjoamalla keinoja sen hallintaan.

Työelämälähtöisestä näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna työhyvinvoinnin tutkiminen kasvuyrityksessä on tärkeää, jotta olisi mahdollista tunnistaa sen tarjoama potentiaali monipuolisemmin ja jotta osattaisiin suhtautua kasvun tuomiin haasteisiin rakentavammin. Tarvetta kasvun ja työhyvinvoinnin yhdistävälle tutkimukselle on edelleen, sillä kasvustrategiat tarvitsevat toteutuakseen konkreettisia keinoja, joilla molempiin panostetut resurssit tuottaisivat yhdessä maksimaalisen tuloksen. Tutkielmani osoittaa, että henkilöstön työhyvinvoinnin nostaminen keskiöön ei ole itseisarvo sinänsä, vaan väline, joka palvelee koko organisaatiota ja sen tavoitteiden toteutumista. Henkilöstö on yrityksen tärkein voimavara, kivijalka, jonka varaan kasvua on turvallista rakentaa. Yksilön työhyvinvointi ja organisaation kasvu eivät siis ole toisistaan erilliset, vaan pikemminkin jatkuvassa keskinäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa olevat ilmiöt.


Kaisa Kohtamäki

Pro Gradu -tutkielma: Työssä koettu hyvinvointi osana kasvuliiketoimintaa

Ohjaaja: Hanna Lehtimäki


Manufacturing companies search for new ways of generating profits in the rapidly changing and highly competitive global markets. Is servitization the answer? Maintenance, digitalization and R&D support are examples of the wide range of services that are offered to cover the life span of a product. Servitization offers a possibility to differentiate from the competitors and a remedy to the deteriorating profit margins of product sales. Studies show that a too modest service strategy can result in financial losses while opting for a bold strategy with advanced services supports profitability.

Service business is inherently people focused. Developing and delivering services requires substantial input and involvement from not only customers but also employees. My master’s thesis on servitization in the manufacturing industry shows that involving employees from a very early stage of the process is crucial for the success. Employees have a significant role in implementing servitization strategies. There is a lot of tacit knowledge in the organization and this knowledge is transferred through collective sensemaking and meaning making and not so much through documentation. Bringing together tacit knowledge and the servitization plans supports the creation of a shared vision between managers and employees.

Often, servitization calls for an organizational change and with change comes support and resistance. Some individuals and teams in the organization view servitization as an enabler of the future success of the organization while others look at it as an unnecessary obstacle and extra work in their day-to-day work. Creating a shared vision is, therefore, important in leading change. When managers pay attention to the ways by which employees make sense of services and servitization plans, the potential of successful implementation is increased.

The implementation of servitization strategies can be supported by flexible organizational structures, well-planned rewarding systems and management’s readiness to do self-reflection of the impact of their change communication. In other words, close attention to leading the process of implementation of servitization is needed.

Kuvassa Päivi EskelinenPäivi Eskelinen

Master’s Thesis Title:

“Organizational Change and Servitization: Employee Sensemaking in the Manufacturing Industry.”


Thesis supervisor: Päivi Eriksson

Strategic entrepreneurship – a key for business growth

Today, entrepreneurship raises a lot of interest in the society. Government decision makers see it as a vehicle for economic growth. Growth of small companies brings jobs and tax revenues and gives a boost of energy to the economic activity. While entrepreneurship is a solution to many macroeconomic challenges, it also opens up new and exciting opportunities to people who want to create something new.

Interestingly, most new companies that start out small also remain small through the whole lifespan. In fact, it is very rare that a small start-up grows into a large company. One explanation is that the majority of business start-ups are imitations of existing businesses in the matured industries. Another explanation is that start-ups are typically located in local markets, and therefore, their growth potential is limited. Yet one more explanation might be that many start-up entrepreneurs are not at all interested in business growth, instead, other aspects of being an entrepreneur motivate them.

But how about those entrepreneurs, who are growth oriented, what could be done to support their ambitions? Start-ups are agile in detecting and creating new opportunities, but upholding competitiveness is not in their best game.

Despite few in number, there are entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses. One way to support these entrepreneurs is to guide them into strategic entrepreneurship. The core idea in strategic entrepreneurship is in balancing the competitive advantage seeking and business opportunity creation when making business decisions.

I found in my doctoral thesis that the best way to balance between competitive advantage seeking and business opportunity creation sequentially is to alternate the emphasis on one or the other over time or to create an organization so that different people look into one or the other.

My study shows that there is a great but underutilized potential in the Finnish entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs show great resilience in pursuing renewal even in difficult financial times and show commitment to their business ideas in the face of many challenges they face. There is a great growth potential in the Finnish entrepreneurial field. With support on strategic entrepreneurship, we could see many more growth oriented start-ups and read many more exciting success stories on business growth.

Ville-Veikko Piispanen, D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)


Title of Doctorate thesis

Strategic Entrepreneurship in Small Business Context
Supervisor: Professor Päivi Eriksson

To the unknown and beyond: Appreciative intelligence® in Start-up Companies

A phenomenon such as the Slush ( is a sign that the start-up hype is storming in Finland. Slush is an annual event for start-ups and tech talent to meet with investors, executives and media. It is organized in Helsinki in November, that is when you can get a first hand experience of slush on the streets, and in just a few years it has grown a major start-up event in Finland and in Europe. It is a part of a movement that is taking place all over the world where young educated experts set up businesses instead of looking for positions in established organizations. Slush is the focal point for start-ups and tech talent to meet with top-tier international investors, executives, and media.

The interesting question is why are well educated people ready to jump into an extremely uncertain work environment with well-known fact that most companies will fail and disappear after a couple of years. So what drives people forward to fight against the odds and all that uncertainty? With this questions in mind, I interviewed people who work in start-up companies and asked how they cope with the challenges they face in setting up a new business.

Using a framework of Appreciative Intelligence® introduced by professor Tojo Thatchenkery, George Mason University, USA, I found that the entrepreneurs were able to reframe the uncertainty in the business environment as an opportunity for personal learning and meeting exciting challenges. Also, they were able to see a quick career development as a positive potential in the situation. And finally, they were capable of acting on uncertainty and using it as an energizing and community building shared experience that fueled the entrepreneurs and their teams to make the future potential unfold in actions taken today.

According to professor Thatchenkery, people tend to reframe challenging situations in two contrasting ways – either negatively or positively. I was able to identify a tremendous amount of positive reframing in the ways the entrepreneurs perceived uncertainty in start-up business.

It appears that the start-up score high in Appreciative Intelligence® which helps them make a challenging situation into an exciting opportunity. The good news is that we can all practice Appreciative Intelligence® and put it in use in our own lives and at work.


Tuomas Holma

Thesis: To the Unknown and Beyond: Appreciative Intelligence® in Start-up Companies

Thesis supervisor: Professor Hanna Lehtimäki

To learn more about appreciative intelligence, please visit